Crazy weather is the normal state of affairs in our atmosphere. It has always been the case.
The Sierra snowpack is so large that it will end the drought that has been plaguing California when it melts.
Even though CO2 is increasing unabated in our atmosphere climates around the world differ. Doesn’t this prove that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change.
While northern Canada freezes Canada – Extreme cold entrenched in the north the Antarctic peninsula set a warm record - in 2015. Antarctic Record Temperature Con – ‘Balmy temperatures’ claim is ‘clearly nonsense’
Pushers of the Global Warming Narrative like to emphasize weather events that bolster their contention that the world is warming and that the warming is unprecedented. They often leave out important details such as the fact that such balmy temperatures have been seen at Esperanza before. CO2 didn’t do it! It’s just weather.
In 2017, New Zealand is complaining that summer never showed up. One of the worst New Zealand summers on record. Why don’t global warming alarmists sound the alarm about that?
Science must examine all the evidence relevant to an issue in order to come to an accurate conclusion. Politics tends to leave out those ‘inconvenient facts’ that spoil their narrative. When you become aware of this political tactic you can begin looking for it. Alternative media have arisen to balance the bias.
The MSM ignore the cold but emphasize the heat. But both must be present for the story to be complete.
Hot here; cold there. Heat distribution not so rare. Hot places do NOT mean the world has a fever. It may just mean that the MSM has a bias infection. Too often in our modern world the MSM are advocates and NOT reporters. It’s an MSM condition for which the alternative media have become both the antibiotic and the vaccine.
CO2 may be at the same concentration in different areas that have vastly different climates proving that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change, global warming or crazy weather!
Mother Nature does not care how much CO2 is in the air.
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