In service of answering this question and looking for perspectives on climate change beyond the usual focus on controversy, let’s begin by acknowledging a single fact that’s rarely discussed in the media: Climate science is a triumph of human civilization.
Landing on the moon. The development of relativity theory. The discovery of DNA. We rightfully hail these accomplishments as testaments to the creative power of the human imagination. We point to them as the highest achievements of our species, calling them milestones in our collective evolution.
But climate science is no different. It, too, belongs in that short list of epoch making human efforts.
If Charles McKay were alive today he would honor climate science and pen Chapter 17 in his book Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and call it: Conning A Gullible World1
Modern warmist CO2 centric climate science has detracted from our understanding of what drives climate. CO2 was given the lead role in our climate drama mistaking a random in tandem increase as causation when it should have been accorded at most a minor role or perhaps, like the phlogiston of fire, been excluded from the cast altogether.
Modern warmist CO2 centric climate science cannot predict squat. It is based on diddled data designed to produce a predetermined desired result that will serve as justification for further political incursions into the businesses of its citizens.
Modern warmist CO2 centric climate science demonized a benign invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth and the modern industrial civilization which gave warmists the electronic tools to condemn it. Could these misanthropes survive without the modern civilisation they condemn?
Modern warmist CO2 centric climate science is a misanthropic example of POGO Politics gone mad.
However, POGO turns out to be not the humans who have built modern industrial civilisation but the human control freaks who have created the imaginary ‘crisis’ in the first place. Modern warmist CO2 centric climate science is a classic case of psychological projection by people who know it and are using it as a propaganda technique to attack the enemy. And who is the enemy? Anyone who suspects the truth that CO2 has nothing to do with global warming or climate change. A good propagandist always wants to get out in front of the opposition in order to discredit what the ‘enemy’ is saying. Propagandists know that repetition of desired ‘sound bites’ along with denigrating those who object are valuable techniques to frustrate the opposition. These are offensive techniques in both senses of the word ‘offensive’ and propagandists revel in the frustration generated for their opponents. Dissenters must now spend time defending their position rather than mounting an attack on the falsehoods of the propagandists.
If there is one takeaway for the CAGW meme it is to distrust those who claim gloom and doom. They have another motive which should be the focus of MSM discovery and exposure. It is the bigger story. It will be the truth.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome
The MSM should be looking into that last phrase and the organisation that spawned it.
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