Obama approves oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean at the same time that he is campaigning for limits to CO2 growth. Then he flies to Alaska on CO2 spewing AF1 to demonstrate how important it is to spew less CO2 in order to push his climate agenda to lower CO2 emissions.
Are climate hypocrites aware of the cynicism they generate?
Obama feels guilty for USA wealth and wants to relieve his guilt with taxpayer money. Nice of him.
Obama believes global warming is melting the ice in the Arctic and yet
If Obama seems a little confused it is because gets a giggle from it.
He uses single instances such as the receding Exit glacier to prove global warming and ignores the equal opportunity logic that an expanding Taku, Margerie or Hubbard glacier can then be used to prove global cooling. His mission is not to educate and put all the facts on display but to table only those that support his view. This is not honesty but it is politics. His staff have knowingly created a carefully scripted Alaska trip to help ‘sell’ their boss’s view.
Obama likes to take selfies and talk about himself as in this example:
He doesn’t want to have to explain the following so he doesn’t mention it.
Alaskan Glaciers Lost Half Their Mass Before 1950 when humans began to add plant fertilizer to the atmosphere in large amounts.
Perhaps Obama and his staff don’t read the science journals where climate science is in flux and were unaware of the following new paper.
After all, the sea ice extent has been known to be much smaller than present during the Holocene climatic Optimum over 5000 years ago. They grow and recede quite independently of the amount of CO2 in the air. And since the satellite era record low of 2012 what has happened?
Obama’s Alaska trip was a hodgepodge of contradictions illustrating his power to do as he pleases. He behaves like Little Miss Helpful except that he is not oblivious to the chaos he leaves in his wake. He revels in his Denial.
What’s it all about, Alfie?
The truth is not invited to the show. It would be a hindrance to the anticipated applause which, no doubt, will be accepted with modesty.
Not everyone agrees that ‘now we see’.
Change is what the climate does because the climate is cyclical. And the human ability to change it has not advanced past the technology of the rain dance and prayer.
As Obama completed his Alaska agenda and left for warmer climes is he aware that he trips out on CO2?
CO2 is clean and green. We need more of it not less. The globe is greening. This is a sign that CO2 is benign. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance. #ActonClimate Hug a tree.
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