Here is the letter:
Jerry regards the IPCC AR5 report as the be all and end all of climate science. I suspect Ben Carson has used his considerable intelligence to apprise himself of the scientific contents of the report as opposed to the Summary for Policymakers and realized that the science does not support the conclusions in the SPM. No doubt, Jerry has read the report as well.
Jerry’s state is suffering from a drought. It has happened before but this one Jerry wants to blame on man made climate change. So he cites a CU and NASA/GISS study that concludes that climate change has intensified CA’s drought.
And now we have some
NOAA. Jerry, we know you have heard of that government agency.
In other words, far from being settled SCIENTISTS are still arguing over the causes of drought.
Does Jerry realize that the IPCC doesn’t have very high confidence that drought is man made? He read the report, right?
Low confidence in drought trends in the last 60 years of CO2 rise.
Maybe it is Jerry Brown who needs use his considerable intelligence to read and comprehend the IPCC report. Is Jerry aware of the other retreats from previous IPCC reports contained in the AR5?
From undated pictures only a climate alarmist can tell the difference between a low CO2 and a high CO2 drought.
What is Jerry really certain about? California’s Climate Change Revolt
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
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