Winter 2013-2014 has been a cold and snowy one.
Perhaps Christine doesn’t realize that CO2 has failed again to trap the summer heat to keep us toasty warm this winter. Natural variability has overwhelmed the ‘trapped heat’ and chased it out of town. Is Christine unaware that Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature over 17 years ago? Is Christine unaware that the climate models have been invalidated and therefore CO2 is not the demon that she has been taught to blame for CAGW?
The great thing about North America is that anyone can publicly declare his stupidity and follow through on it. Future generations will think him nuts. Why stop at a year? “life will be better,” Wilson says. “I’ll be fulfilling a richer life by living a smaller life.' “Last night was the first night in his new home. Wilson says that in this phase of the project, the only thing he has to keep him warm during the cold Texas nights is his sleeping bag.” Should we ask why CO2 is not keeping him warm? Why isn’t it trapping the daytime Texas heat? You can give him a night off by volunteering to live in the dumpster. So he won’t be in it for a whole year. Bet he secretly enjoys his nights off.
There’s an idea. Brainwash the kids and enlist them in the battle against climate change. For God’s sake don’t sit down with them and look at all the evidence to see if it is true. That would be educational. Can’t have that. Got to get the kids ‘livin the meme’.
Peter Dykstra: can you successfully dispute any of the statements made by Marc Morano? Or are you merely assuming he is wrong because you are so mired in living the CAGW meme that you have forgotten to consult with the lady whose opinion is the only one that counts - Mother Nature? You say dishonest. Where is your proof? You attempt a guilt by association argument rather than presenting scientific data to dispute Marc’s claims. That doesn’t help your credibility. Neither does the gap between climate model predictions and reality. If Marc is using dishonest arguments get on the TV with him and show us. Put your data where your mouth is. It should be a slam dunk for you. Why wouldn’t you want to do it? Shut him up once and for all. Solid scientific arguments will do it, right? You have the science on your side, right?
Common sense still exists in the world. How did that happen? Human control over the weather is science fiction and so is our ability to forecast it accurately beyond a few days. But we know what the climate will be like 100 years from now. Uh-huh! Cue Donna Summer: Who Do You Think You’re Foolin’?
Some people construct a reality in their heads and completely forget to check with Mother Nature to see if their idea of what is going on is true. ‘Scientists say’ therefore it must be true. We will treat information that supports our worldview with less skepticism than speech that conflicts with our world view. But, we must admit, that if we are really interested in the truth all viewpoints need to be on the table for examination. Sometimes we have our view of the world corrected by the dedication of others to the truth rather than to their cherished beliefs. Ask Daniel Shechtman, winner of the 2011 Nobel prize in Chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals long believed by the conventional wisdom, the settled science, the consensus to be impossible. To see the truth one must come to the scientific table with both an open mind and open eyes. Sometimes scientists close both in order to protect their life’s work. It must be difficult for a scientist to have his theory, to which he has dedicated his life, tossed on the garbage heap of failed hypotheses. It happens and a contribution to human knowledge is still made with the discovery of a dark alley. It keeps the rest of us in the light and for that we should be grateful to scientific explorers whose theories reach a dead end. They still teach us something.
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