Announcer: Tonight’s Headline: apparently the globe has stopped warming as scientists at the UK MET report that the HADCRUT temperature dataset has shown no statistically significant warming for the last 17+ years. Story at 11.
A review of the other 4 temperature datasets also report a pause in the warming of the planet even as the amounts of CO2 being released into the air continue unabated. Comments from politicians express relief that the crisis is over and that they do not have to spend the trillions of dollars that would have been required to mitigate climate change. The MSM is happy because they can finally report some good news. Scientists are patting each other on the back at their successful gathering and reporting of the data. They have accepted the falsification by Mother Nature of their CAGW theory. Mother Nature has turned out to be a CAGW denier .Members of the green lobby are relieved that the earth is no longer in danger from the ravages of humans. Secretly, they are ecstatic that they no longer have to feel guilty about driving their SUVs. Their angst over their hypocrisy was reaching crisis proportions. Taxpayers are dancing in the streets.
The MSM have now started to report the good news about extreme weather. Severe weather has actually been going down over the last few decades. There are fewer hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and drought. Things keep getting better. Deaths due to extreme weather are way down thanks to our early warning systems which allow people to get out of the way of Nature’s storms.
Stories about the cyclical nature of Arctic warming are beginning to appear in the press as researchers mine the online newspaper archives for the worries of the past.
Skiers are happy that the snowfall has reached the second greatest extent in the Northern Hemisphere right after last year’s(2012) record setting performance. Children can once again look forward to snow days off school.
Happy days are here again!
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