Here's what AGW believers need to do to convince me to lose my AGW skepticism in favor of alarmism.
Show me these things, my fear will grow.and you will have won my allegiance to the cause.
Show me a Global Climate Model(GCM) that assigns the demon CO2 a starring role and that tracks the global temperature as CO2 continues, unabated, to be emitted into the atmosphere. For example, let us take Scenario A of the James Hansen model which assumed that CO2 would continue to rise at current rates - his Business As Usual (BAU) model. CO2 has certainly met that criterion in reality. But, alas, temperatures have not followed his dire prediction. They aren’t even close after 20 years.
Show me that maximum daily temperatures in the US have been increasing as CO2 has continued, unabated, to accumulate in the atmosphere. Anyone?
Explain to me why, with CO2 at levels not seen in 3 million years, our supercharged atmosphere on steroids cannot break the world record for hottest temperature on Earth?
If CO2 drives temperature then explain the ice age 450 mya when CO2 was at much higher concentrations in the atmosphere.
Show me that extreme weather is becoming more frequent and severe. For example, can anyone show me the data that prove that the worst hurricanes, the category 5 monsters, constitute a larger share of hurricanes and are occurring more frequently? Would that do it for you? It would do it for me. Anyone?
Show me that extreme weather is becoming more frequent and severe. For example, can anyone show me the data that prove that the worst tornadoes, the F5 bombs, constitute a larger share of tornadoes and are occurring more frequently? Would that do it for you? It would do it for me. Anyone?
Show me how floods over 50,000-60,000 square miles are becoming more frequent? Anyone?
Show me the studies that show that droughts are becoming more severe and are of longer duration than those of the 1930s and 1950s in the US. Anyone?
Show me how snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere in winter is becoming less extensive as CO2 has continued, unabated, to increase its concentration in the atmosphere. Anyone?
Show me a sea level rise so frightening that it stops the development of hotels, resorts and airports in the Maldives. Anyone?
Show me the mechanism by which CO2 ‘decides’ to trap heat from one year to the next. Remember the US heat wave, drought and number of days over 100F that occurred in 2012? Where did that heat go? Why didn’t CO2 trap some of it and give us a warmer winter? We got a cold and snowy winter/spring in 2012-2013. What happened to that summer 2012 heat? Is CO2 broken? Does it only trap heat in the summer? It can only find seasonal employment? Can’t find a full time job? It hopped the jetstream to a warmer clime? It lost its heat trapping superpowers? The air is full of kryptonite which zaps CO2’s superpowers? There is a hole in our CO2 blanket?
The Arctic reached its lowest sea ice extent on record in September 2012. Warmists tell us this was due to global warming although analysis suggests it had more to do with wind blowing the ice to warmer waters where it melted. And one year later the Arctic is covered with more ice than has been seen in a decade. It is a record recovery. So why didn’t CO2 trap the heat of summer 2012 and set another record low sea ice extent in 2013? Where did the heat go?
So, show me the mechanism by which CO2 ‘decides’ to trap heat. Tell me how much heat CO2 will trap this year. How and where will that heat show up? What will be its magnitude? CO2 obviously does not trap heat all the time. Sometimes it escapes. Show me what triggers its heat trapping abilities. Predict it.
Show me these things and you will create another devotee of climate alarmism. Until then, adios. You are left to entertain the fears and anxiety in your own mind. You seem happy there.
CO2, an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth, has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.