Climate changes continuously.
“Boxer: in a few short years, we can just look out window and see evidence of #climate change all around us”
How do you tell a human induced tornado from a ‘natural’ one?
We often hear her vague claim advanced by alarmists who want us to be frightened of future climate change. Specifics are not forthcoming. They speak as crystal ball gazers who can see the future while the rest of us mortals are to accept their pronouncements without question. Special knowledge from those specially chosen to see the future? Nice con if you can pull it off.
Perhaps Sen. Boxer didn’t get the memo concerning the recall of her crystal ball.
How will the future climate be different from what it is today?
At what level of CO2 will these changes begin to appear?
How will we recognize a hurricane as belonging to the category ‘evidence of climate change all around us”? How will it be different from those of the past or present?
How will the signs show up in the data?
Without answers to these questions how will we recognize a human induced hurricane from a ‘natural’ one?
As CO2 has increased in the air over the last 150 years extreme weather has not increased. We have seen it all before.
In reality Sen Boxer’s crystal ball is her imagination gone wild in defense of the indefensible. She has an agenda(21) to serve and she wants your money.
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