It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

100 Year Anniversary of the Hottest Temperature Ever

On July 10, 1913 at Greenland Ranch in California the temperature reached the highest ever recorded since thermometers have been used. CO2 was about 300 ppm. Ironically, 1913 turned out to be a very cold year.

NOAA plans to celebrate the record. Will they so recognize the record cold temperature at Prospect Creek, Alaska?

If CO2 is so good at trapping heat and we have been putting copious amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere one can be excused for wondering why this record max temp is still standing?

CO2 recently crossed the 400 ppm milestone without fanfare or disaster. And this during the coldest spring in the US since 1924.

Today was July 10, 2013 and the recorded high for Death Valley was 114F which leaves the world record of 134F still intact. Can we conclude that over the last 100 years that there has been a cooling in Death Valley despite the rise of 100 ppm concentration of CO2 in the air?

While there were many triple digit temperatures recorded during the drought and heatwave of 2012 in the US the world record of max temp of 134F still survived. And this momentous heat wave which drove the hysteria of the MSM last year, a sure sign of AGW, was followed by a cold and snowy winter. CO2 refused to trap the summer heat for the winter. What good is it?

CAGW is a myth and is better named: Conning A Gullible World.

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