the CAGW story becomes harder to defend in the face of cooling
temperatures, weather that isn’t becoming worse, sea levels that are not
accelerating and global sea ice that is running above the long term
mean Obama vows that the US will do more to contain global warming. This will prove to be very easy to accomplish as the warming stopped over 17 years ago.
Obama knows this and will bring in policies to curtail CO2 emissions
which he can then later claim to have been successful in stopping CAGW.
Superhero saves the day except
that there was no day to save. So, people pay more for their
electricity because of the mandated reduction of emissions of CO2.
People are poorer and resources are misdirected into uses that were
totally unnecessary. Obama want to be the Superhero. He does not have
the courage to do nothing when that inaction would be eminently more
sensible in the face of reality.
Nature is cycling out of her late 20th century warming period and has
entered a multi-decadal cool-off quite irrespective of any actions taken
by humans. Human action does not control the climate. Mother Nature has
made that abundantly clear by negating the predictions of all 73 climate models currently in use by the climate science establishment.
Climate scientists whose climate models give a starring role to CO2 have over-estimated the sensitivity of the atmosphere to the presence of CO2.
politicians want to be stars too so they won’t miss an opportunity to
grab the limelight and praise their own policies as the deciding factor
in arresting the latest evil: man made climate change.
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