do we explain the warm temperatures through more conventional
meteorology that includes warm air masses moving into the area from the
tropics brought by southwest winds.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Obama, Superhero
the CAGW story becomes harder to defend in the face of cooling
temperatures, weather that isn’t becoming worse, sea levels that are not
accelerating and global sea ice that is running above the long term
mean Obama vows that the US will do more to contain global warming. This will prove to be very easy to accomplish as the warming stopped over 17 years ago.
Obama knows this and will bring in policies to curtail CO2 emissions
which he can then later claim to have been successful in stopping CAGW.
Superhero saves the day except
that there was no day to save. So, people pay more for their
electricity because of the mandated reduction of emissions of CO2.
People are poorer and resources are misdirected into uses that were
totally unnecessary. Obama want to be the Superhero. He does not have
the courage to do nothing when that inaction would be eminently more
sensible in the face of reality.
Nature is cycling out of her late 20th century warming period and has
entered a multi-decadal cool-off quite irrespective of any actions taken
by humans. Human action does not control the climate. Mother Nature has
made that abundantly clear by negating the predictions of all 73 climate models currently in use by the climate science establishment.
Climate scientists whose climate models give a starring role to CO2 have over-estimated the sensitivity of the atmosphere to the presence of CO2.
politicians want to be stars too so they won’t miss an opportunity to
grab the limelight and praise their own policies as the deciding factor
in arresting the latest evil: man made climate change.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Mother Nature Forms Own Consensus
no attention to what CAGW apologists are saying. Sick of being told
that humans control the climate and not her, Mother Nature who has the only opinion that counts contradicts 100% of IPCC CAGW model predictions.
Mother Nature has given the finger to the 97% and formed her own consensus.
Mother Nature exonerates CO2.
Fact Check: Rice Crop Yield Improves With Global Warming, Higher CO2 Levels - Opposite of Alarmist Predictions - I like rice
There you have it. Mother Nature, aka, Reality, has rendered her opinion. CO2 is not guilty of causing climate change.
Warmists finally agree.
It is time to stop all human activities aimed at reducing our carbon footprint.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
There's A Hole In Our Blanket
Jan - April 2012 was about 5.5°F warmer than this year.
Year-to-Date (Jan-Apr), rankings of 2013 is number 9 coldest since 1979 (n=35) -- on par w/1983, 1997, 2011.
Including March & April together, CONUS was 44.4°F in 2013, about 2.5°F below last-30 yr average, coldest since 1996 pic.twitter.com/qAc644qXKn
March to May
temperatures in the US have been on the decline since 1985. 2012 was an
anomaly that blasted the alarmists off to Planet Hysteria.
the beginning 2012 was hotter than 2013. This means that CO2 was unable
to retain the heat. CAGW is in big trouble as its main tenet has been
invalidated by reality.
Over the last year US temperatures have dropped 3 degrees. CO2 was unable to trap the heat from the hottest year evah?
Is it broken? Did it go on strike? Perhaps it hopped the jet stream to a warmer clime? Does it only trap heat in the summer?
Is there a hole in the Earth’s CO2 blanket that needs mending? Do we need a higher thread count?
There’s a hole in our blanket, our blanket, our blanket.
There’s a hole in our blanket, in our blanket, a hole.
is so adaptable that it can produce both warm and cold springs. CO2 is a
magic gas that can perform tricks to produce whatever weather you see
outside your window.
out of the discussion is the exact mechanism by which CO2 manages to
accomplish this feat. How does CO2 choose which trick it is going to
perform in any given year? How can we predict what CO2 will do if we do
not understand the algorithm that CO2 obeys?
there is no way to predict a scenario because there is no algorithm we
might want to entertain the possibility that CO2 has nothing to do with
the weather or the climate and that someone has been peddling snake oil.
this is why we are not served a CO2 index with our nightly weather
forecasts. We receive the humidex, UV index, pollen index and Air
Quality index all of which allow us to prepare for tomorrow’s
atmospheric conditions. But no CO2 index. Isn’t this peculiar since we
are told that CO2 emissions are ruining the planet? Climate change is the most important issue to confront humankind so we are warned. And yet no mention of the controlling factor on our nightly weather reports.
What would a CO2 index tell us? How should we act if CO2 concentration is reported to be 400ppm? Put on your coat? Not wear a coat? Bring an umbrella? It tells us nothing.
Could that be a clue that CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature, the weather or the climate?
do alarmists explain the lack of heat trapping by the increasing
amounts of CO2 that we terrible humans are putting into the atmosphere? 2012 was a very hot year. Alarmists in the press and on TV were screaming about global warming as temperatures climbed into 3 digits during the heat wave. And yet as 2012 progressed the heat disappeared and we experienced a very long, cold and snowy winter with a very cool 2013 spring. And while all this was going on CO2 continued to accumulate in the atmosphere to the point where it is nearing 400 ppm
which alarmists will be quick to tell you is unprecedented in human
existence. And still it couldn’t retain even some of the summer 2012
heat. Does this raise the question about the mechanism by which CO2
‘decides’ to retain heat or to let it escape? How can we predict from
year to year which CO2 will ‘choose’ to do? Are there other factors in
play that we need to be aware of?
we have expected a warmer than normal winter with less snow than usual?
Isn’t that what ‘trapping heat’ means? Isn’t that what GHGs are good
at? And yet it didn’t happen. Where did the heat go? How did the Earth’s
atmosphere manage to vent all that heat? How did it get around the heat
trapping ability of CO2?
When Mother Nature gives your theory of heat retention the finger science says: modify or abandon the theory.
summer heat of 2012 was not trapped. The fall, winter and spring of
2012-2013 did not warm up to the same degree as the previous year. Did
the winter and spring of 2013 not receive the same amount of energy as
was present in the winter and spring of 2012? Why not? Is it not
relevant to the issue of climate change to know what is going on here?
Same sun, same time of year, more CO2 in the air, same energy coming in
and yet a different and cooler temperature. We know the answer to this
and it has nothing to do with CO2
and everything to do with where the air masses are coming from. We live
in a non-linear, chaotic atmosphere and the winds change from hour to
hour, day to day, week to week, month to month, season to season and
year to year. Why should we expect a mild winter just because we had a
hot summer?
Heat rises and the atmosphere vents.
Al Gore
has missed the memo as he still goes around the country preaching the
same sermon of global doom if we don’t cut human emissions of CO2, leave
oil in the ground and switch to renewable energy.
He hasn’t noticed that Mother Nature has made him irrelevant. His hypocrisy is an assistant
in that regard. Al is a modern day snake oil salesman with the elixir
to fix all that ails us. Al’s ‘solution’ to our problems is to advance
us to the past from which we came - a past without fossil fuels where
poverty reigned - think horse and buggy. He wants to reacquaint us with
our Neanderthal ancestors while he and his ilk continue to enjoy the
privileged lifestyle of the rich and famous. It is time to run Al out of
town and keep using our elixir of fossil fuels because CO2 is not a
problem that needs fixing.
We know that CO2 does good things
for us as it is an integral part of photosynthesis that helps to feeds
us. CO2 has been miscast as a demon of the atmosphere when in fact it
plays a starring role and wears a white hat. There is no CO2 blanket in
the atmosphere. CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature, the weather
or the climate. And that is Mother Nature talking.
a trace gas essential to life on Earth, is plant food. We exhale CO2
and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen, of which we
have become rather fond, in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic
CO2 is green. We need more
of it not less. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post.
No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance.
h/t Tom Nelson
Hansen's Hype
James Hansen
opposes the opening of the “spigot to these very dirty, unconventional
fossil fuels,....We can’t do that without guaranteeing disasters for
young people and future generations.” He is talking about the oil sands
of Alberta.
“The current government is a Neanderthal government on this issue, but Canada can actually be a leader,” he said.
in the hip pocket of the fossil fuel industry, as you can see, but that
doesn’t mean that the Canadian people are,” said Hansen.
A new poll, released Monday, suggests that while Canadians and Americans are keen on reducing greenhouse gasses, the vast majority of them support the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that could transport up 830,000 barrels of oil per day from northern Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico.
didn’t have oil and wouldn’t know what to do with it if they did.
Neanderthal’s also didn’t have the standard of living that the discovery
and refining of oil has brought to modern humans. Does Hansen
want to hasten our ‘advance’ to the past for the ‘benefit’ of “young
people and future generations”? Perhaps they will not see it that way
and will not be grateful for the reduced standard of living.
Canadian crude from its Alberta oil sands is already
being moved to Texas refineries via rail. How come only the Keystone
Pipeline(KXL) is under attack? Why are environmentalists not upset and
causing a ruckus over the movement of the oil via rail?
Where are the protesters lying on the railroad tracks? Hansen has no
qualms about getting arrested. Why has he not tried to stop oil trains?
Oops, may we shouldn’t give him any ideas.
Even if CO2 emissions frighten you the amount contributed by the oil that is anticipated to move via the KXL will not contribute that much. Even the alarmist NYT doesn’t think Keystone will be much of an environmental threat. Maybe. They seem a little confused on the subject.
Both the State Department and the Senate have approved KXL. But the decision is up to Obama where there may be some indication that development of alternative sources of energy are considered more important than the denial of KXL.
fact that the decision on KXL has not been forthcoming may have
something to do with, and let me emphasize that this is pure
speculation, with Mr Buffet’s recent purchase of Heinz Ketchup from
Secretary of State’s John Kerry’s wife
which also put a sizable stipend into Mr Kerry’s pocket. If KXL is
eventually approved perhaps the delay in doing so will allow Mr Buffet’s
railroad to benefit from shipping shale oil
for a while before the pipeline is completed. If KXL is not approved
Buffet will benefit to an even greater degree. To be fair, Buffet is on
record as approving of KXL.
be concerned about oil one has to be concerned about CO2 emissions. As
Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com has said 'Carbon based fuels have been
one of the greatest liberators of mankind in the history of our planet'
It has elevated our standard of living from Neanderthal to modern human
with our array of labor saving devices that allow us to explore our
planet that a Neanderthal did not even know existed. But CO2 is not a ‘planet cooker’ as some would have us believe. CO2 is not dangerous. That is good news.
We need to stop all activities aimed at decreasing human emissions of CO2.
CO2 is green. We need more of it not less. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
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