It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Will these graphs be discussed in Durban?

Doubtful. Why? Because  they throw cold water on human induced global warming. First, we have the latest data from the JAXA Ibuku satellite study that shows that the worst carbon emitters are in the developing world not in the industrialized world. Oops. Has the industrialized world managed to outsource enough of its manufacturing jobs to the developing world and has now saddled them with the dubious distinction of being the global warming generators. Or maybe the carbon sinks in the developed countries are absorbing more CO2 than was previously realized. I guess the Maldives are out of luck in their quest for a transfer of funds from rich countries because of their carbon 'pollution' because they aren't. Not to mention that sea level is on the decline.

Next, we have the latest (October 2011) satellite data that show areas of warming and cooling throughout the world whether it be land, ocean or air. Oops!

So much for 'unequivocal' global warming. And all this is happening while CO2 continues to increase in our atmosphere.

Perhaps the New Zealand government can control its zeal to control the emissions of its livestock and not impose the hated 'fart' tax on its farmers. The silliness that is global warming continues to provide the greatest comedy show on earth. It is laughable that such a tax can even be proposed let alone discussed with a straight face. But those convinced of the reality of global warming are cool to any contrary evidence. They do not like to have their confirmation bias pointed out to them. They will latch onto any idea, true or false, in order to make a tax grab as long as they can claim it is in the 'public' interest. It is government revenue that is sacred not the truth.

Here is a review of IPCC 1995 predictions to date. Abject failure.

Tell me again why we should be reorganizing our economies to put less CO2 into the atmosphere? Tell me again why we should listen to an authority whose failed predictions indicate that they do not know whereof they speak? CAGW is done like dinner. Defund the IPCC and their annual parties in exotic places of the world.

What would it take to convince you that human induced global warming (climate change) is false?

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