We have been taught to worry about our CO2 emissions because CO2 is a heat trapping gas whose continued accumulation in the atmosphere could destroy life on our only home. As alarmists like to say: There is no planet B.
CO2 is a bad ass.
Try telling that to your flowers. trees, fruits, vegetables, beef cattle that like to eat grass and your stomach.
We forget that we live in a world of opposites and that often things have both good and bad characteristics and we should be certain that we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.
CO2 is an essential input to our food supply. If you like to eat then the SOCIAL BENEFITS of CO2 are PRICELESS.
As greenhouse operators will tell you plants grow better, stronger, faster with more CO2 in the air.
More CO2 more food. Less famine. Less starvation. Less poverty. Good, no?
CO2, far from being a pollutant or poison, is the trace gas essential to life on Earth that our Grade 5 science taught us about. Remember those lessons on photosynthesis?
With all this goodness scientists are discovering that CO2 is an anemic driver of climate change. Satellite datasets tell us that even as CO2 has continued to rise in our atmosphere the temperatures have not followed the dire predictions of the global climate models and slowed their rise considerably. This was an unexpected result. Why aren’t we cheering?
We could have figured that out from our geological history as CO2 has been present in concentrations 10 to 20 times current levels without reaching a tipping point and causing runaway global warming. It appears that our fears, once again, have been cultivated to further an agenda.
Fear cultivation for the purpose of citizen manipulation. Propaganda brainwashing is less bloody than open suppression.
But some people aren’t buying it.
Let the fear in you subside.
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