It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Memo to MSM - CO2 is invisible

Here is a picture of a functioning(24x7x365) coal power plant in the US. See all that CO2 ‘pollution’ coming out of the ‘smoke’ stacks?

Does that picture resemble what you are used to seeing on the nightly news when pollution is the topic?

CO2 is an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth. It is NOT pollution.

The MSM like to show pictures of steam coming out of ‘smokestacks’ when it is talking about CO2 because it would be tough to sell pollution coming out of those ‘smokestacks’ if there is nothing to see as in the picture above. The invisible is not as dangerous as something that makes you gasp especially if you can make it look dark by taking the picture from where the sun is casting shadows.

It is a little bit of journalistic alchemy - changing the invisible into the visible and white into dark with the implication that the benign is dangerous. It is also dishonest and manipulative.

Has CO2 Failed Its Driving Test?

The contemporary political scare that is claimed to be the most important issue facing mankind is the idea that the human emission of carbon dioxide(CO2, a GreenHouse Gas) due to the burning of fossil fuels is warming our planet in an unprecedented, accelerating and dangerous manner. Therefore it is concluded that we need to curtail our emissions of CO2 by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. CO2 is seen as the primary driver of global warming.

There are many reasons to question the CO2 centric theory of global warming.

Scientists tell us that the atmosphere has contained CO2 in various concentrations throughout the history of the Earth. It has been higher and lower than it is now(~400 ppp). Alarmists like to remind us that pre-industrial concentrations of CO2 varied between 180-280 ppm for 800,000 years. It is only since the industrial revolution that CO2 has increased at a much faster rate than experienced in the past. And yet scientists have documented several periods during the last 800,000 years when the global mean temperature (GMT) has been above our contemporary warmth. If 280 ppm is blamed for those warm periods then why aren’t we experiencing an even higher temperature now with 400 ppm in the air? There must be another climate driver.

What caused the warmth required to melt the ice from the last ice age and bring us into our warm interglacial? There were no power plants or SUVs to generate extra CO2 back then. It had to be a natural phenomenon. Without a way to attribute the natural factors responsible for that warming how can we be certain that the same factors aren’t in play to explain our the warming of the late 20th century? We cannot and therefore we have no way to tell to what extent humans may or may not be responsible for contemporary warming. The same natural factors that ended the last ice age could also be in play for the warming the planet has experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age.  

Several periods within the last 200,000 years have been determined to be warmer than now. No power plants, cement factories or SUVs were present in human society during those eras.

Eemian ============

MWP             ====    all warmer than now without rising CO2 according to science

MWP =============

Scientists have reconstructed the geological past of the last 600 million years and plotted both temperature and CO2 atmospheric concentration. CO2 content ranged from -2000 - 8000 ppm in warmer & cooler times (see graph). Power plants, cement factories and SUVs (i.e., humans) could not have been responsible.
CO2 and Geocraft graph.png

Please note that CO2 has been way above 400 ppm for most of the last 600 million years. There was no tipping point, no runaway global warming at those higher concentrations.Temperatures were both higher and lower than we currently experience. With CO2 concentration near 4000  ppm, a hundred times more than today the world was in an Ice Age 450 million years ago. If CO2 was the driving force of temperature on the Earth that could not have happened. Looking at that graph there is no obvious correlation between CO2 and temperature.  Our current fears are baseless in the context of geological history

For the last 18+ years CO2 has been rising unabated in our atmosphere and yet the GMT has remained significantly flat according to satellite and weather balloon measurements.

This is contrary to the CO2 centric theory and unexpected. This development suggests that the tandem rise in CO2 and temperature during the latter part of the 20th century was coincidental rather than causal.

If we use the HADCRUT4 temperature dataset preferred by the IPCC to compare a 25 year period of warming in the last century with the last 25 years will we find significantly  more warming in the latter period than in the former? That’s what the theory would predict.

Here is the data for the 25 year comparison. Datasets are in the links.

CO2 Increase



That is over six times the rise in CO2 in the last 25 years compared to the 25 year period in the 20th century and yet the temperature rose only two one hundredths more than the earlier period. This is an anemic rise and challenges the superpowers attributed to CO2 centric theory.

Any one of the above examples challenges the CO2 centric theory of DMMCC and is enough to sink it beneath the waves of reality.

CO2 didn’t drive these changes.

Current CO2 400 ppm  - the Keeling Curve  

1,000 ppm: Average level in a lecture hall filled with students
600 ppm: CO2 level in my office with 2 people in it
490 ppm: CO2 level in an office working alone

Lung content CO2 40,000 ppm. How you feeling?
The permanent gases in breaths we exhale are 4% to 5% by volume more carbon dioxide and 4% to 5% by volume less oxygen than was inhaled. This expired air typically composed of:[7]
  • 78.04% nitrogen
  • 13.6% - 16% oxygen
  • 4% - 5.3% carbon dioxide
  • 1% argon and other gases
And yet no harm assails us from these levels of CO2.

Far from being a bane CO2 is a boon to life on this planet. Our Grade 5 science reminds us that CO2 is an input to photosynthesis cartoon-illustration-photosynthesis-process-29925058.jpg which helps plants to grow. We eat plants. If you like to eat then thank a plant. Does this not mean that the SOCIAL BENEFITS of CO2 are PRICELESS.

The increase in CO2 has resulted in the growth of vegetation and the greening of Sahel

Re-greening Sahel - Stockholm Resilience Centre

In the past when the concentration of CO2 was 10 to 20 times as high as it is now CO2 had the opportunity to turn the planet into an uninhabitable cauldron and failed to do so. We are here. There was no tipping point, no runaway global warming. We owe CO2 an apology.
Something else is the primary driver of climate change on this planet. This tidbit of geological history ought to be enough to calm the fears of the most devout believer that humans are turning up the heat.
As we have seen above CO2 has not manifested in reality the heat trapping superpowers attributed to it in the global climate models of climate scientists. They have overestimated the effect of CO2 in our atmosphere.

Has CO2 failed its driving test? You be the judge.


CO2: Trappin' Heat and Cookin' Snow

We cook with heat. But did you know that we also freeze with heat? It is now claimed that blizzards are the result of heat trappin’ CO2. Except that snow requires another ingredient overlooked by the warmists: cold. And where does that cold come from?

If monster blizzards  are a sign of a warming world then by that warmest logic are we to believe that heatwaves and droughts are a sign of a cooling world? By their logic if more snow is a sign of a warming world then an Ice Age must be very hot!

How would a warmist recognize a cooling world?

And that is not all that a rise in CO2 is cookin’.

If we can blame CO2 centric climate change for killing aliens then why can we not blame increasing CO2 for the NOAA/NASA data diddling. The CO2 made them do it! There is no longer a pause in global warming temperature data because the humans who maintain the dataset have not paused in their brazen alteration of it.

The world of climatology has crossed into the twilight zone of climate fiction. And we are paying big bucks to sustain the fraud.
The totalitarians among us are overjoyed at the ruse as it brings them one step closer to the World Government they so desperately desire.

But someone is onto the scam.

While heat trapping CO2 is busy freezing us out this winter

CO2 is a Bad Ass

We have been taught to worry about our CO2 emissions because CO2 is a heat trapping gas whose continued accumulation in the atmosphere could destroy life on our only home. As alarmists like to say: There is no planet B.

CO2 is a bad ass.

Try telling that to your flowers. trees, fruits, vegetables, beef cattle that like to eat grass and your stomach.

We forget that we live in a world of opposites and that often things have both good and bad characteristics and we should be certain that we don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.

CO2 is an essential input to our food supply. If you like to eat then the SOCIAL BENEFITS of CO2 are PRICELESS.

As greenhouse operators will tell you plants grow better, stronger, faster with more CO2 in the air.

More CO2 more food. Less famine. Less starvation. Less poverty. Good, no?

CO2, far from being a pollutant or poison, is the trace gas essential to life on Earth that our Grade 5 science taught us about. Remember those lessons on photosynthesis?

photosynthesis II.jpg

With all this goodness scientists are discovering that CO2 is an anemic driver of climate change. Satellite datasets tell us that even as CO2 has continued to rise in our atmosphere the temperatures have not followed the dire predictions of the global climate models and slowed their rise considerably. This was an unexpected result. Why aren’t we cheering?

The current hiatus in global mean temperature rise is telling us that we owe CO2 an apology.

We could have figured that out from our geological history as CO2 has been present in concentrations 10 to 20 times current levels without reaching a tipping point and causing runaway global warming. It appears that our fears, once again, have been cultivated to further an agenda.  

Global T & CO2 over 600 my.gif

Fear cultivation for the purpose of citizen manipulation. Propaganda brainwashing is less bloody than open suppression.

But some people aren’t buying it.

Let the fear in you subside.

Global Warming Caused by CO2?

People aren’t buying it.

Only 27% blame humans

They are buying SUVs instead.


Scientists don’t fear CO2

As University of London professor emeritus Philip Stott has noted: “The fundamental point has always been this. Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the margins one politically-selected factor (CO2), is as misguided as it gets.”


It's the Scare that Counts

It does not matter what the scare is. It does not matter if the scare is true.

“No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.” ~ Christine Stewart, former Liberal Environment Minister in Canada

It matters that there is a scare so we can dispense justice.  Doesn’t that sound like the ruling elite have another agenda that they are pursuing?

Apocalyptic scares are useful to certain elements of society.

Totalitarians. It provides an excuse to take over the world to better garner the resources of the world in the service of combatting the scare. We need to act NOW!

Media. Scares sell media products which attract advertisers who want a large audience.

Politicians. Who doesn’t want to be a hero and save the planet? Or redistribute wealth from poor taxpayer to rich crony while all the while promising unearned wealth for the poor. When you promise to rob Peter to pay Paul can you always depend on the support of Paul?  

Scientists. They are paid to investigate and document the scare. This provides justification for the actions of political totalitarians. In the scientific reports to the politicians the problem is always worse than it seems.

"It is no secret that a lot of climate-change research is subject to opinion, that climate models sometimes disagree even on the signs of the future changes (e.g. drier vs. wetter future climate). The problem is, only sensational exaggeration makes the kind of story that will get politicians’ — and readers’ — attention. So, yes, climate scientists might exaggerate, but in today’s world, this is the only way to assure any political action and thus more federal financing to reduce the scientific uncertainty." ~  Monika Kopacz, atmospheric scientist

Businesses who will benefit from providing solutions to the ‘problem’.

The ‘scare’ builds momentum from all these disparate constituencies. The solutions proposed become unstoppable regardless of their efficacy. The people who lose are the taxpayer whose resources are taken to fight the ‘problem’ and the citizen whose rights disappear under further encroachment by the state into their daily lives.

Control freaks gain more control and a search  for the next ‘problem’ begins.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

And that is how the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. It is not poor people who make up the scams scares.

As the scare takes on a life of its own the voices of reason are always present but ignored in the rush to ‘save the planet’. that doesn’t need saving. It is a ruse that will continue to be used as long as it is useful to aggrandize more power for the powers that be. The goal is control.

With each successive ‘fright’ freedoms move out of sight. Totalitarians have discovered the Road to Serfdom and they intend to take it. They know where it leads but believe that they will rule for the benefit of all mankind. The road to hell is paved with good intentions..

 "The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken

Have the totalitarians among us taken into account that they will need to become ever more brutal to continue their journey as resistance from the victims mounts? Totalitarians see no victims only unreasonable evil opposition who need to be crushed. Their own evil will escape them, hidden within their imagined cocoon of moral superiority, perhaps even baffled by the refusal of dissidents to accept it. Dissidents hence become evil opponents of the righteous and brutality makes its appearance upon the totalitarian stage.

Rule by ruse will by necessity devolve into rule by brutes. Are false scares leading us there?


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