It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Is This the Truth aAbout Ad Hominem?

Ad Hominem - attack the man rather than his argument

People who resort to an ad hominem attack are at once admitting the validity of their opponents’ position and declaring their capitulation.

Or at the very least they are admitting that they do not understand how to counter the argument of their opponent and resort to ad hominem out of frustration.

In the case of man made climate change Mother Nature is asserting her disagreement with the theory by refusing to raise the global mean temperature for 18+ years and thereby declaring her independence from the influence of human induced CO2. Perhaps the alarmists should investigate her funding. Their beef is really with Mother Nature not Willie Soon. Willie is but one of many who are playing the part of Despicable Me in the eyes of climate alarmists.

Willie Soon does not adhere to the CO2 centric climate change chanting so let us attack his credibility in an attempt to deflect attention away from his contrary scientific conclusions which so threaten us. That is an admission of defeat and complete capitulation. The alarmists do not have the integrity to acknowledge their error. They suppress their humanity and go on the attack to save face. They are a slave to their agenda not to the truth.

Yet, no matter how much energy you put into a slash and smash, bash and trash or slice and dice of the messenger after all that irrelevant effort you are still left to address the correctness of her message. The truth of the message does not logically stand or fall on the name, credentials or funding of the messenger. Mother Nature is the sole arbiter of truth. If your theory does not agree with her then it is wrong.

The current purge against US scientists skeptical of the CO2 centric climate change chanting is an admission of the strength of skeptical arguments or they would be ignored. Their message is dangerous to the agenda of the ruling elite and must be silenced. These individuals must be shown that they are lambs to be sacrificed. Hopefully some of them will relish the confrontation and be willing to expose the witch hunt which is already transparent to most intelligent observers.

People are not so stupid that they don’t see through this unfair vicious game. We have been warned about it in Hayek’s ‘The Road to Serfdom’ Ch10 and Ch11. While alarmist lips are moving the music playing in the background is Donna Summer’s ‘Who Do You Think You’re Foolin’.

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