It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014


WUWT has a story about the climate alarm being manufactured at the WhiteHouse. The smoking gun is a comparison of two pictures of the snow cover in California in January 2013 and 2014. There was lots of snowpack last year(2013) but, of course, we all know about the drought that California has endured this year so there is little to no snowpack in the mountains. There is an 86% decrease year over year. This has California skiers upset and they are protesting the conference of the CO2 molecules taking place in their State. It’s global warming and they want something done about it. After all, ‘We are the World’ originated in California didn’t it? So they can be excused their Cali-centric misbeliefs that what his happening in California is happening everywhere else as well. Meanwhile, in the real world, the rest of the country was freezing. CO2 heat trapping superpowers were all in California.

If this constitutes ‘global warming’ then if we were to show them two satellite same date photos of the difference in Great Lake ice cover would they conclude that the massive increase this year is due to ‘global cooling’? Cue Donna Summer: Who do you think you’re foolin’!

Of course not. It would be an example of climate change. It is so much easier to advance the agenda when you can blame CO2 for both more snow and less snow, more ice and less ice. Our dependence on fossil fuel can be blamed for both. This is perfectly logical to the IIC* because their agenda is the goal. They see what they want to see. Their view of the world must be correct. It is unthinkable to admit error when one’s reputation has been built on policy advocacy for a reduction in CO2 emissions made necessary by its assumed effect on the climate.

Evidence to the contrary is not permitted. Should any materialize it is incorporated as more evidence for the policy initiative. More CO2 means the climate will change. Look out your window. What you see is caused by too much CO2. But,but, but.... it’s a nice day!

The IIC know they look stupid but are hoping you won’t notice if they keep talking with confidence about the climate crisis in their own minds. Pointing out to them that there was a prequel to “Years of Living Dangerously’ known as the PAST is to invite insidious invective. They will try to make you feel like the world’s biggest dork. It is defence via offense. Redirect the focus and put the inconvenient skeptic on the defensive.

Reality is what they say it is not what Mother Nature would have you believe. Mother who? They want you to doubt your own senses and minds and surrender them in good faith to the IIC. Check reason at the door. No doubters permitted inside. If we say CO2 is a demon it is a demon. If we say alternative energy is the way to go it is the way to go. Chant with us. The IIC are deathly afraid of being alone. They must have groupies who adore them. They will buy their groupies with your money. Shhh! Success is not required for payment. It is the show, the photo op and the appearance of doing something that is important.

* IIC, either, Idiots in Charge or Idiots in Collusion

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