The fact that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a required input in the process of photosynthesis which allows plants to grow seems to irk the man made global warming/climate change/climate disruption crowd. How could their pollutant be so nice? Our fruits and veggies not to mention our forests love the stuff. Commercial greenhouse operators regularly pump additional CO2 into their facilities because they have found it makes plants grown faster, stronger, better. It also allows plants to use less water in the process.
Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records - Forbes - a little warming seems to be good for food production. Alarmists don’t want to hear that.
So, what’s an alarmist to do?
Find studies that purport to show that CO2 is not all good for our food.
If the quantity doesn’t decrease then the quality must be worse with higher levels of CO2 concentration and a warmer climate. It must! It just must!
Here is a list of the dastardly things of which CO2 has been accused: THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Distinguished physicist Dr. William Happer: ‘The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing carbon dioxide will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science’
And so we have the competing ‘more CO2 is good/bad’ studies. Is this known as the ‘settled science’?
To combat the misinformation of the above here are some studies that show CO2 in a more encouraging light.
Increased CO2 enhances the nutritional quality of food crops Oh, oh, that one contradicts the one above. Get back to us when you are on the same page guys and girls.
Higher CO2 Concentrations Will Feed A Billion More People but will the food have enough nutrients? Inquiring minds want to know.
Even the plants in the Arctic benefit from more CO2 and a little warming. Elevated CO 2 Enhances the Berry Quality of Sub-Arctic Shrubs The polar bears are grateful to CO2 for their new summer bounty. Amen.
CO2 Is Green - More CO2 Results in a Greener Earth Who could be against that?
Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2 Why are we not surprised? Can we then conclude that droughts will be less severe?
New Study Indicates Low CO2 Emission Levels Could Be Cause of Extreme Climate Change & Civilization's Death So what is the correct level of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere? For that matter what is the correct Global Mean Temperature (GMT) for the Earth? Anybody know what we are shooting for while we reduce our carbon footprints? We don’t want to starve our plants and thus ourselves. Hello?
NOAA absolves CO2. NOAA: Accelerating Global Warming Is Not Happening - CO2 Wrongly Accused The temperature stasis renders the CO2 causes warming hypothesis invalid.
Extreme Violent Storms On Decline In U.S. - Rapid CO2 Growth Has Minimal Climate Impact Thanks be to CO2! That must really annoy the alarmists.
But Are Humans responsible for the increase in CO2? in the atmosphere over the last 150 years since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA)? If we are not then there can be no AGW. That seems to be an obvious point. Settled Science: New paper 'challenges consensus about what regulates atmospheric CO2 from year to year'
So what is the verdict on that one? We are burning fossil fuels so the CO2 must be going into the atmosphere? How can we not be responsible for our portion of the increase? But how much of the increase is ours and how much belongs to Mother Nature? Anybody know? Hello?
Ho hum here is Humlum THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Single graph demonstrates man-made CO2 is not the driver of global warming There is an interesting discussion in the comments to this article. It is an important point to be resolved but the temperature stasis of the last 16+ years indicates that CO2, of whatever origin, is not the driving force of temperature. The correlation of the late 20th century between T and CO2 was accidental.T correlates better with solar influences which were at their highest level in 9000 years. This topic made it into a textbook: THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Climate textbook explains why man-made CO2 does not control atmospheric CO2
So what should we do about increasing CO2? The Economist Mag: A ‘stiff’ carbon tax could stop global temperatures from rising — ‘The right thing in climate policy for all the big countries is a carbon tax’
Ok, maybe not. Carbon Tax Leads to Ouster of Australian Prime Minister People do not take well to being taxed to combat a problem that does not exist. If human induced CO2 is not responsible for climate change then why tax my production of it? That’s what I’m thinkin’.
Maybe we should should just get fracking! Fracking Amazing: US Carbon Emissions in 2012 Will be Lower than in 2007 Due to Fracking No government action required except to get out of the way.
Here is an interesting take on the subject: CO2 Emissions, Life Expectancy, Per Capita GDP: The Real Hockey Stick: ‘How Fossil Fuels Saved Humanity from Nature and Nature from Humanity’ - CO2 good. Fossil fuels good! That sound you hear is an alarmist gagging. It makes perfect sense. You are encouraged to read it.
And if all of the above isn’t confusing enough we have this bombshell: Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere And from NASA no less. They must be in the pay of Big Oil. Another negative climate feedback: more CO2 = more plants = more aerosols = cooling | Watts Up With That? What is up with that? Is it tough to get a consensus out of these scientists or what? CO2 warms; CO2 cools. What’s a rube like me to think if the experts can’t agree? Plants slow climate change by forming cloud sunshade, study finds - Times Of India How come the MSM didn’t pick up on this one?
Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Up Sharply Since CO2 Hit 350 PPM Isn’t CO2 supposed to make the winters warmer? Has CO2 forgotten to trap the heat?
So while alarmists will keep up the attack on CO2 as a pollutant without redeeming features as a diversion from the AGW question we will continue to exhale the gas with every breath we take and have little to no influence on the temperature of the planet. Let the fear in you subside.
Meanwhile, the POTUS will go on issuing ‘executive orders’ oblivious to any of these scientific quandaries surrounding CO2 secure in the self imposed delusion that he knows what he is doing. Now you know better. Impersonating Little Miss Helpful he will #ActonClimate leaving behind a bigger mess than the one he intended to clean up. One or two staycations a year for the Obama clan would cut more CO2 emissions, if you care about such things, than his installation of solar panels at the WH. And, as usual, payment will be deferred to the future generations he claims to care about so much in the form a $20trillion debt. (Am I being conservative?) They will be so grateful.
For further information:
The Carbon Sense Coalition will shed some common sense on CO2.
I Love CO2 Want to bet this is not a warmist site?
* My listing of these websites should NOT be construed as an endorsement of all of their content. However, they are excellent sources of climate data.
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