The IPCC AR5 WGII Summary for PolicyMakers (SPM) is more alarmist than the underlying AR5 WGII science report upon which it is based.
When this news gets out can the IPCC still address the media with a straight face? They have been caught making a politically doctored conclusion from data that don’t support it.
Their credibility before the public is now in tatters and anything they say can be discounted as self serving alarmist gobbledegook.
The underlying science report says: research does not conclude that armed conflict is connected to global warming.
The SPM says: warming will increase risks of armed conflict
Self serving politics in action. This is but one example of the IPCC leading with alarm that is not justified by their own findings. Why do they go to the trouble of compiling a report if they are simply going to ignore it in favor of a pre-determined conclusion?
Gut feel is not a valid guide to reality.
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