Thirty year trend for lightning is 55 deaths per year. The 1940s saw an average annual death rate of 329. In contrast the first decade of the new millennium saw a death rate of 39. This is quite a difference. We are safer now. I suspect that the incidents of lightning strikes are no different between then and now but humans have adapted technologically to the presence of lightning with better lightning safety devices (lightning rods) and awareness. Either that or an increase in CO2 causes a decrease in lightning strikes. Where's a smiley when you need one. CO2 is indeed a magical gas. There seems to be no end to its ability to cause bad things to happen to good people.
Temps in Maine are not increasing. Shoshana Zuboff has been misled about that. We are glad she survived her encounter with a lightning bolt.
"From her story it appears that Ms. Zuboff has indeed been a victim but not of global warming, but of the indoctrination of the environmental movement." Art Horn
CO2 was exhaled during the composition of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
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