Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:
When we set our clocks back this month how far should we regress?
1948 in South Africa
1939 in Nazi Germany
With your mandatory vaccination orders and travel bans you have demeaned and dehumanized millions of Canadians who did not genuflect to you. What is next for the great unvaxxed? Internment camps?
How brutal and barbaric are you willing to be?
The vaccines are of poor quality.
Ask Israel, Gibraltar, Seychelles or Scotland.
COVID deaths significantly higher among vaccinated individuals in Scotland Anybody paying attention??
Your use of shame and guilt to bully people into compliance contrasts with the more economical and humanitarian approach of India.
Ivermectin works.
Ask India.
India is Now COVID-19 Free by Using IVERMECTIN
Or Indonesia.
AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plunge After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment
Canada is persecuting doctors who promote ivermectin, criticize deadly COVID injections
Would you fight a war with only one branch of the armed services or would you use everything you've got?
The Coordinated Attack on Ivermectin Is a Crime Against Humanity
Is there something else going on Justin? It appears that 'First, Do No Harm' is NOT part of your ethical code. The vaccine is neither the safest nor the most effective way to tackle covid.
When you look in the mirror, who looks back - a tyrant or a humanitarian?
Does it matter to you?
WHO database reports over 2 million potential Covid jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women
Virus Dangers vs. Vaccine Dangers
Ex-Pfizer Employee Warns Vaccine Increases COVID By Over 300%:
“Pfizer Studies Show That Being Unvaccinated Offers Greater Protection”
Video Shows Shocking Data From Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System
Finland joins Sweden and Denmark in limiting Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
Europe Completely BANS the Moderna Vaccine for Young People Due to HIGH RISK of Heart Inflammation
Why are we pushing harmful and ineffective vaccines when other safe remedies are available? One person's medicine is another person's poison. Remember that??
Mr Trudeau: pay attention to dissension. Your coercion is perversion. Scientific recommendations change with the data. To continue your emotionally based unscientific policies is to continue to commit tyrannical crimes against your own citizens.You are encouraging people to play vaccine roulette. A man of character would feel shame and guilt. A man of character would take responsibility, admit error and change course. Surprise us!
To the screener reading this note: you should consider whom it is that you are working for and ask yourself if you wish to continue to be complicit in the continued violation of individual rights. Will he stop? Can he? Can you?
For Free Minds and Free Markets,
Polish MPs SLAM Australia For Human Rights Violations
Why We Must Oppose These Mandatory ‘Vaccines’
“We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines
Vaccine victims are hosting a special outdoor rally in Washington DC on November 2nd
Safe And Effective - Vaccine Adverse Effects (VAERS) are up more than 1,000% this year.
Harvard Study Finds Covid-19 Surged Most Among Vaxxed Communities
Israeli Data Indicate Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Failure
UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.
Counterintuitive: More Vaccinations Leads To More Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths
“Many new studies and data analyses from across the world show that the more vaccinated a region is, the more new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths there are.”
The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”
NYT Finally Admits: Our Behavior Doesn’t Seem To Affect the Virus
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