"There were just 26 stations in 1880, only 4 in the southern hemisphere. Even in 1900, the 664 global stations was only 2.8% of the number in 2000.”
Contrary to what Greta Dumberg believes the world is not on fire and it is not the hottest year ever. Does Greta know the past in Sweden was warmer than it is now when CO2 levels were much lower than we currently enjoy?
And in the winter of 2020 parts of Sweden have been buried in white global warming.
The Medieval, Roman, Minoan periods and the Holocene Climate Optimum have all been as warm or warmer than the present during the last 10,000 years - at a time when CO2 was at 280 ppm compared to today’s 415ppm.
Some 2020 Examples of our world on fire are presented to counteract the continuous one sided presentation of weather events that support the alarmist view of a world warming out of control due to the human emission of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels.
Despite the rising heat trapping CO2 in our atmosphere:
Nothing that has occurred during the winter of 2019-2020 stands outside the bounds of natural variability. We have seen it all before.
Climate change is NOT a clear and present danger. Has there ever been a year without extreme weather? Unwelcome weather does NOT care how much CO2 is in the air.
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