In the first half (1979-1998))of the satellite record(UAH) ending in 2018 CO2 went up by .28 ppm and the temperature rose by .6C. In the second half ot the record ending in December 2018 CO2 went up by 42 ppm but the temperature remained flat.
Is that what you would expect to see if CO2 was the controlling climate factor?
In Canada in the spring of 2019 floods flooded parts of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. The climate authorities blame climate change and point to these events as the cost of not fighting climate change(reducing our CO2 emissions). The scientific literature says otherwise.
No Evidence of an Anthropogenic Influence on Floods (5 February 2018)
But you won’t hear that from the Canadian climate authorities or their lackeys ($595 million slush fund) in the MSM who are pushing an agenda of more government control over the lives of its citizens in the long slow march toward a socialist authoritarian state so desired by the totalitarians among us.
In Southeast Asia cyclone Fani was deadly. But are cyclones(hurricanes in N. America) getting worse due to the human emissions of CO2?
Study: Hurricanes: ‘It’s Better Than We Thought’ – ‘Simply no increase’ in global hurricane activity
Will you find that reassurance in the MSM?
“One of India's strongest cyclones was the one that affected Andhra Pradesh in 1977. With the lowest pressure of about 919 mbar, the cyclone claimed the lives of as many as 50,000 people. The 1999 Orissa (now Odisha) super-cyclone claimed the lives of over 15,000 people. Winds reached the speed of 260 kmph.Dec 13, 2016”
CO2 concentration was much lower in our atmosphere in 1977. Cyclones don’t care how much CO2 is in the air.
Extreme weather events cannot be blamed on the human emission of CO2.
Weather is variable and so is the climate. Our atmosphere is not overheated. History tells us that all changes modern humans have experienced have been within the bounds of natural variability.
Despite the weather disasters experienced by humans over the ages there is no climate crisis caused by the human emission of carbon dioxide.
CO2 is a friend with benefits.
Let the MSM emphasise that.
Hakuna Matata.
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