If the prospect of human caused climate change is bad for your mental health should we be surprised that climate alarmism also causes people mental distress?
“People are bombarded with propaganda telling them (1) humans are destroying the world through global warming, (2) nearly everybody is to blame through selfish utilization of natural resources, and (3) there is little hope of saving the world from imminent climate catastrophe. Of course this messaging will exacerbate mental health strains for many people.”
Are we being scammed because they can?
Are they chuckling at our expense?
Will someone please study the impacts of false beliefs on the mental health of people?
Will someone please study the impacts of being scammed on the mental health of people?
Will someone please study the impacts of scamming on the mental health of the scammers?
“The best way to alleviate mental health strains tied to global warming is to report truthfully on climate science rather than nefariously exaggerate, embellish, and fear-monger about the earth’s climate future.”
Good advice.
Meanwhile a primary solution advanced to alleviate global warming causes its own health problems.
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