It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Trending of Climate Trends

By any climate metric that you choose to examine the effect of a dangerous human influence on the climate cannot be found over the last 60 years when the human emissions of carbon dioxide(CO2) has increased most rapidly in the atmosphere. See references below.

This is not to say that humans have no influence on the climate but our influence tends to be local and non-threatening. The contraction of the snows of Kilimanjaro in Africa are an example of local land use change that has altered the climate on the top of the mountain. Snow disappears because it melts or sublimates and is not replaced because of decreasing precipitation. At the top of Kilimanjaro temperatures rarely get above -4C.  It is tough to melt anything at that temperature but during the day the snow will sublimate and if there is not enough moisture in the air then the snow will not be replaced. The land on and surrounding the mountain has suffered deforestation. This will result in less moisture in the air from transpiration. Less moisture, less snow, disappearing snow. Humans also increase the air temperature in cities due to the concentration of heat absorbing materials of buildings and roadways which will radiate that heat into the air. The machinery of the city will also contribute their heat to the city’s air. Cities are routinely warmer than the surrounding countryside due to this phenomenon and can create a warming bias in temperature readings from weather stations located in cities(UHI). So humans do influence their local climates but climate change is not about these phenomena but about the alleged heat trapping powers of greenhouse gases(GHGs) such as carbon dioxide(CO2).

The trends in climate metrics over the last 60 years are either steady, flat or decreasing meaning  we have seen it all before. CO2 concentration has risen by 87 parts per million over the last 6 decades.

If the trend began prior to those 60 years it has not accelerated. Acceleration during the last 60 years would be a human fingerprint on the thermostat.

Temperatures would not have slowed then reversed since 2001 such that there has now been no increase in the global mean temperature(GMT) for over 18 years even as CO2 has continued to rise unabated in the air.

Sea levels have been increasing steadily since the end of the little ice age(LIA) until 2002 when they started to decelerate. A human influence over the last 60 years would have shown an accelerating trend indicative of faster melting glaciers and ice caps.

There has been no increasing trend in extreme weather of any kind over the last 60 years. Either there is no trend or its is negative which is actually a positive. Less severe weather with increasing CO2. Thank-you CO2. Or CO2 has nothing to do with it and the correlations are just incidental and not causal.

The biggest potential contributors to Sea Level Rise are the ice caps of GreenLand and Antarctica. But recent scientific studies report that both are GAINING ice mass.

There is no reason to FEAR a deluge of our coastal cities from our polar regions. They are NOT
currently warming despite the fact that CO2 continues to rise unabated in our atmosphere.

As CO2 rises the polar regions were expected to be among the fastest warming places on Earth. Yet this is NOT happening. These folks can attest to that:

This is contrary to the expectations of the CO2 centric theory upon which our Global Climate Models are based. Therefore the predictions of the GCMs can be discounted as speculation without foundation.

It is colder in Antarctica. This has been confirmed by the falling temperature trends measured across the vast expanse of the East Antarctic ice sheet. The west Antarctic ice sheet(WAIS), which has been dispatching walls of ice into the Amundsen sea and sending the western fear and guilt media into hysterics, receives its warmth from geothermal sources in the form of a series of under ice volcanoes.

At the top of the world alarmist experts have been predicting the final demise of the Arctic summer sea ice for decades without success. Newspaper articles of the past remind us of similar periods of Arctic warmth which worried scientists back in the day. They too warned of melting ice caps and rising seas which would flood our coastal cities. We still await the deluge. Can we be excused for wondering if perhaps there are cyclical processes at work in the Arctic which our esteemed climate scientists have not yet pinpointed? The warming worries of the past passed with the onset of the cooling scare of the 1970s and re-emerged with the warming of the late 20th century. Our current crop of GCMs seem just as incapable of selecting the proper date for Nature’s magic trick of disappearing summer Arctic sea ice. Will it take a solar cycle maximum far greater than anything humans have witnessed in order to accomplish the feat?

With climate trends not trending in their favor man made climate change alarmists are shown to be political manipulators and opportunists with an agenda who have latched onto climate change as a POGO issue which they fancy can be used to increase control over people and resources. But the evidence above destroys their case and introduces POGO-who-is-NOT-us. Climate alarmists have not made their case and are doing great harm in wasting the very resources they claim to care about so much by misallocating them in pursuit of a crisis that doesn’t exist. Climate alarmists are really Luddites and Victorians in disguise who are afraid that somewhere someone is doing something without their consent. They do not trust their fellow humans to be good guardians of the planet’s resources without their imagined superior knowledge and guidance(overwatch). They fear the chaos of the marketplace and think that central planning will give better results than people free to commit capitalist acts exchanging value for value. History does not report well on central planning. The moral superiority of the free market has not yet been detected by their humanitarian radar.

Further Reading:

Mar 16 globe


Because of an increased focus on the climate in recent years people think the weather is getting worse. They need to look at what Mother Nature is ACTUALLY doing rather than buying the hype from hysterical alarmists with a pecuniary interest in purveying falsehoods. Take a chill pill people. Mother Nature has actually been less truculent over the past 60 years of human CO2 emissions than she was before. Perhaps she has undergone a ‘change of life’.

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