It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Mother Nature in Defiance

Cementing A Skeptical Alliance

Some people love a panic. It is their reason for living. If they had nothing to panic about how could they achieve their totalitarian control freak agenda of subjecting every human decision to their review and approval. Panics, real or not, energize totalitarian self-righteousness and provide a justification for their policies to restrict the freedom of their fellow citizens.

Presumed man made climate change is their latest and greatest attempt to subvert democratic societies and inflict their methods of control upon an unsuspecting public.

But Mother Nature is providing her own subversion to the totalitarian climate change narrative.

Can someone explain to me how CO2 molecules in one part of the world can be blamed for a tornado and yet the same concentration of CO2 molecules in another part of the world allow just another day in paradise? Are there good and bad CO2 molecules? What turns them from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde?  

Climate alarmists like to frighten us with movies of Antarctic glaciers collapsing into the sea and then warning about the catastrophic rise in sea level if we do not curtail our emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. CLimate alarmists will not be receptive to the recent finding that there are in Antarctica – 91 volcanoes coincidentally found under glaciers warming ‘due to climate change’. Active volcanoes are hot. Heat can melt snow and ice. Will the alarmists protest their existence beneath the glaciers of Antarctica. The volcanoes could spoil the ‘man made’ panic of which they are so fond. Humans don’t make volcanoes and therefore cannot be responsible for glaciers melting because of them. Which is more likely: glaciers are melting because of active volcanoes below them or humans driving SUVs are warming the air?

Is the volcano is not the more proximate causal factor?

Embarrassment has awaited those who have accepted the warming hype of melting polar regions.

The melting of the Greenland ice sheet always makes the alarmist news. But the truth allays the fear for coastal cities far and near.

Global temperatures in certain areas are known to rise with the arrival of an El Nino. Climate alarmists will attribute the temperature rise to Man Made Global Warming as their POGO science demands. But El Nino is often followed by La Nina and GLOBAL OCEAN COOLING CONTINUES to lower global temperatures in certain areas. Satellites will pick this up. Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels: The ‘pause’ lives – ‘Global temps ‘are headed back to pre-El Niño values’. This is a normal natural ebb and flow of an ever changing planetary environment. This is NOT news NOR a reason to panic.

Mr Gore will be disappointed to learn Global temperatures COOLER now than when Gore won Nobel Prize in 2007:. The apocalypse seen in Gore’s crystal ball has not materialized at all. Did Mr Gore miss the recall on his crystal ball?

CO2 is NOT a good predictor of climate direction and often bears no correlation with climate factors.

These scientists can’t find much if any influence of CO2 on the climate.

Climate panic is hard to sustain when man made emitted CO2 is not to blame.

It is the job of alarmist scientists to present alarming reports or lose their funding. But those whose integrity need not be compromised to maintain their employment will let truth be their guide.

Climate alarmists ramp up the hype. Others see no reason to panic.

When have the alarmist apocalyptic story tellers EVER been right?

The fact that alarmists are losing the argument is made crystal clear because they adopt methods of conversation that are all tactic and no substance.

Tactics and opinion will not move logical people to agreement.

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