It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Both Wrong

Things keep getting better and barring a smack by a super sized celestial object or an insane launch of nuclear weapons doomsday is not in our future. Whenever I encounter apocalyptic predictions my inclination is to take the opposite view. My record is perfect while the doomsayers have yet to score.

The predictions of the doomsayer have been populating the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts.

Despite the failures new doomsters are not deterred because ‘they know stuff’. Or think they do.

My unblemished record says they don’t know as much as they think they do. Apparently, Phds are no longer handed out with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of fallibility.

Perhaps too often they are awarded to arrogant fools.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell  

Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."

Wisdom permeates human history but it seems each generation must stumble upon it via their own ‘modern’ follies.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Science or Politics?

Does Jerry know science?

Who to believe?

You choose.

Climate Crazy 2017

Scientific studies are popping up in the media lately which blame climate change for a range of earthly ills.

The weasel words ’might’ and  ‘could’ are notable in that one.

Does that mean their predators will have an easier time of it.?

O, Great Pumpkin, say it is not true. People will be fighting in the pumpkin patch.

Now our actions cause more volcanoes to pop their cork. Human CO2 emissions sure are powerful! Is there anything CO2 can’t do?

Performing actions which emit CO2 is now an ethical dilemma.

Stay at home snowbirds!

Renewed warnings of doom have also emerged to fan the flames of fear along with the ridicule they so richly deserve.

But climate change is not all bad. We will see some benefits. Note the weasel word ‘could’ in the speculative link below.

Fear NOT doomsayers for here is the solution to man made global warming. Eat more french fries to save the planet.

But according to AGW theory clouds are supposed to heat the planet aren’t they? DId this study just disprove their own theory?

Or perhaps an even better solution: implement  this policy for climate perfection.

Some people don’t agree with the hyped alarmism.

Nor apparently, does Mother Nature.

Suspicions that the rush to GREEN is a political cause NOT a scientific one have been confirmed via FOIA requests: Delingpole: Exposed – the Liberal Astroturfers Behind the Global Warming Scare

Meanwhile in the face of Mother Nature’s reticence to confirm their story the end times have been pushed out yet again:

But, undeterred, the AGW prognosticators prognosticate...

Still waiting.....Perhaps it is predictive failures such as the above which prompted the quote below.

You decide.

Polar Bear Gate

Taking a leaf from the playbook of ISIS post modern climate science exhibits its intolerance. Do not criticise me or you will be publicly smeared because we are the guardians of the truth. We say what truth is not you. The pet scientists of the politicians are granted an omniscience that they do not deserve and have not earned.

Politicians pushing a particular view carefully select the ‘science’ that supports their view and ignores that which does not. This is how political activists operate. Truth is nice but not essential to the achievement of the objective. Truth is expendable in politics. Those who challenge a view with good news are belittled and marginalised to the public in an attempt to reduce their influence. Politicians do not like to be shown to be dishonest, partisan and biased, especially when they are. Scientists who support the ‘conventional wisdom’ of their paymasters in politics do not want their funding affected by the truth. In postmodern science(science funded by the state) truth is nice but expendable in order to maintain the jobs and lifestyles of the supporting scientific caste. Good news is not welcome because a ‘’problem’ that isn’t a ‘problem’ doesn’t attract funding. Political funding will leave for more pressing - read problematic - fields of inquiry. Politicians want to play the role of saviour to their constituents.

Post modern science is POGO science. When science can pin the blame for a problem on human actions politicians can justify their craving for more control over the lives of their citizens. The MO of the state is to grow the State. There are an infinite number of problems which beg for a solution. Statists are only too happy to fill the void with programs, regulations and taxes without regard to present or future cost.

We must do it for our children and our children’s children. We have saved the world for you. Here is the bill.

But was there a serious problem in the first place. Post modern scientists - those dependent on the State for their incomes have a built in incentive to find POGO problems and to exaggerate their potential harm. Political activists have seized on this process to further their aims.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

Truth is preferred but not essential. If the people can be made to believe there is a crisis that is enough.
"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." ~ Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace

Susan Crockford has been highly critical of the model that has been used to list the polar bear as an endangered species. If she is correct then it calls into question the work of some of her colleagues who toil in the field. Her opinion, if left unchallenged, could influence what politicians do with Polar Bear research funding. This will affect the careers or polar bear researchers. It is in the interests of polar bear researcher to paint a dire picture of the state of the polar bear.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”Upton Sinclair

So, a peer reviewed paper was published in Biosciences magazine which made many false statements about Ms Crockford and her work in a desperate attempt to discredit her. Ms Crockford has refused to be cowed by this unprofessional attack and has doubled down on her conclusions and refuted the inaccuracies in the paper. She has also called upon Biosciences to retract the attack paper. What will Biosciences do?

Their credibility as a publisher of accurate scientific papers is in question. Their peer review process has been exposed as shoddy. What will they do? The cynic in me predicts - not a thing. Our progressive world continues to lose sight of formerly ethical behaviour.

Meanwhile two new papers have been published which support the views of Ms Crockford. The Inuit live with the bears and their expertise is supported by science.

The myths of Man Made Climate Change continue to be exposed by honest scientists such as Ms Crockford. Some people care about their reputations while the interests of others are focused elsewhere as revealed by the nature of their personal attacks.

POGO issues are a great boon to activist scientists and politicians. They exploit them for more nefarious purposes. They cultivate the belief among their citizens that knowledge resides with the State who have access to the best information and therefore their omniscience is above reproach and not open to challenge.

Some people, when elected, think omniscience is part of the job description. But we need to remember that some people have agendas and can be devious in their attainment.

Polar Bears have survived warmer times in the past and are NOT cooperating with the preferred narrative of Arctic sea ice attrition the man made global warming alarmists promote.

We must measure and count to learn and hear what Mother Nature is saying and must always remember that it is she who has the ONLY opinion that counts.

Arctic Sea Ice 2017

Despite the continued rise in CO2 in our atmosphere

Historically, scientists inform us that

Perhaps the foregoing are explained by temperature stability.

The sun is a better explanation for the behaviour of Arctic ice than the human emissions of carbon dioxide.

With CO2 still on the increase but Arctic sea ice also increasing over the last decade the CO2 centric theory of global warming is in trouble in the Arctic. The behaviour of the climate is cyclical as is evidenced by the fluctuations in Arctic sea ice under increasing carbon dioxide concentration and the sun is the proximate culprit for this behaviour. Arctic sea ice does not care how much CO2 is in the air. It changes according to solar input, volcanic activity in the Arctic Ocean and Atlantic ocean currents NOT CO2.

Science does not stop when a politically desired result is obtained. It continues to explore never shutting the door. The human emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels is NOT the cause of fluctuating Arctic sea ice.

Hakuna Matata!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Climate Alarm's Last Chance?

“We are running out of time,” warned Nick Nuttall from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). “We need COP23 to accelerate action on climate.”
Dirk Jansen, head of environmental and nature conservation policy with NRW Friends of the Earth (BUND), also believes that COP23 is the world’s last chance to combat climate change.
It is always the last chance at these IPCC climate conferences. And yet somehow we survive until the next ‘last chance’ at next year’s conference in southern Poland. Bonn, Germany, where 2017’s COP23 is being held has had the honor of being the ‘last chance’ in the past.

Meanwhile back in reality:

Ironically Trump exits Paris Agreement and....

The Paris “Agreement” is not being treated seriously. And the climate change data keeps flowing in to contradict the official narrative of unprecedented, accelerating man made global warming.

What? You mean the settled science of climate change is NOT settled?
The Maldives hotel market heats up with 11 resorts launching by 2019 Does that sound to you like the hoteliers are worried about sea level rise in one of the lowest lying archipelagos in the world?
Despite the rise in CO2. No acceleration no human fingerprint.

NASA confirms – Global Sea levels FALLING recently - no wonder they can’t find any acceleration

Human emissions did not increase in 2016.

And CO2 continues to rise.

Global Oceans Continue To Cool as CO2 continues to rise.

Mother Nature, it turns out, is a man made global warming denier.

And, in the #hottestYearEver, Record snowstorm leaves four dead in Minnesota

With the evidence against them the global warming alarmists are calling for draconian tactics.  The Global Warming Thought Police Want Skeptics In ‘Jail’

What the data don’t support the police state will?

‘Settled science’ - the last refuge of scoundrels?

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