It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

The New Hyppies

The New Hyppies

In the 1960s the term hippie was used in a personal way to disparage long-haired, unwashed, unkempt drug users.

The New Hyppies of the Traveling Eco Loons of the 21st century derive their name from their blatant and narcissistic Hypocrisy over matters of imagined global warming.  Hyppie derives from Hypocrite.

Their behaviour is in stark contrast to the dire warnings that they issue on a daily basis. Hyppies preach doom and gloom as they zoom around the world telling others to stop zooming around the world in fossil fuel burning contraptions. Have they not heard of the internet or text messaging? Twitter and Facebook are brilliant low carbon messaging systems that do not require facetime in exotic locations. If Hyppie CO2-a-phobia were real would they not seek to minimize their creation of it?

Do Hyppies realize how their worldly galavanting and lavish lifestyles appear to the minions to whom they preach?

As one blogger called Instapundit has opined: I will believe there is a crisis when the people who tell me there is a crisis start acting like there is a crisis.

It is hard for us plebs to do anything but make fun of the self appointed and self important seers of the flying Eco Loons as they spew that which they denounce into the air in quantities that mock their phony concern. The Hyppies want us to validate their fears and assuage their guilt over their lavish lifestyles which they have no intention of altering. Warning of doom and gloom and seeking absolution is to be their contribution to the solution to the carbon pollution that they imagine afflicts the world.

Examples - Leo, Obama, Prince Charles

Obama’s Carbon Admission: ‘I Have the World’s Largest Carbon Footprint’ - the guilt must be unbearable as the Obamas jet off to their latest vacation spot in separate airplanes.

Prince Charles gives world reprieve: Extends ‘100-Month’ climate ‘tipping point’ to 35 more years - he will be six feet under by then - safe from the embarrassment of his failed forecast. The extension is his subtle acknowledgement that the world is not warming at unprecedented and accelerating rates but allows him to renew his faith in the inevitable apocalypse as he imagines it.

While Leo jets off to lend his sympathy to the latest uncaring act of Mother Nature blaming CO2 emissions from the human burning of fossil fuels for the mess does he fail to notice that most of the rest of the world with the same amount of CO2 in the air is just fine? How can CO2 be the ‘bad boy’ in Manila while CO2 is behaving itself in Hawaii where it is just another day in paradise. Same amount of CO2 in the air but different outcomes. Does this not suggest to Leo that something other than 400 ppm of CO2 is driving the climate?

The New Hyppies can repeat the script that enables their talk but they do not walk the walk. They destroy their own credibility as well as that of their cause. They are a skeptic’s best friend.

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