It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Alarmist methodology of the AAAS

The American Association for Alarmism in Science has issued a report on Global Warming which surprises us with their tactics, spin and avoidance of uh, well, Science. It is an embarrassment to those who wrote it  and won’t fool the public who is becoming all too familiar with self-serving advocacy in science. The AAAS report makes fools of the authors and the AAAS.

13 AAAS warmists ‘worked with Climate Nexus, a communications nonprofit, to produce the succinct report’ - Do 13 speak for the whole membership of AAAS? Will the rest of you speak up and squash this nonsense?


Paid to Spread the Fear

Well, if they do not produce a scary report the reason for their existence goes away. Who wants to eliminate their own job? Consider the perks the UN IPCC workers get. Free transportation to endless conferences in all corners of the warming world. The job is like a permanent vacation. Who pays for their food while on these junkets? Do they worry about the ‘carbon footprint’ they leave upon the planet as they galavant around?

‘Risks of irreversible damage’ will keep the gravy train rolling to the next exotic spot. ‘Everything is within the bounds of natural variability’ is not a verdict that will encourage governments to continue their substantial financial support of the crusade.

The focus must be on natural disasters and rising temperatures. Document and publicise. Look what happens as CO2 goes up. As if these kinds of bad weather events only started when humans began emitting lots of CO2 into the air from the burning of fossil fuels. The UN IPCC knows the truth. They just can’t afford to admit it. But the word is getting out as skeptics continue to document and publicise the data contrary to the disaster movie that the script writers at the IPCC are developing. I prefer reality. The news is so much better.

The climate cycles. The IPCC wants to implement controls on carbon emissions before the climate turns cooler and the public catches on to the ruse. There is nothing out of the ordinary going on with our climate. It warms. It cools. Extreme weather goes through periods of greater frequency and quieter periods like we are currently experiencing. Ho hum. No sign of doomsday. Of course, the real occurrences of drought, floods, tornadoes, wildfires and hurricanes are devastating to the people who are affected by them and the fact that there are more of us with more stuff that can be affected by such disasters may make it seem as if these events are more virulent than in the past. But the data say differently. All of these events are less frequent than in the past despite the unabated rise in human CO2 emissions. We are not their cause nor are we their master. Mother Nature is still in control.

But the truth cannot be the message of the IPCC. It must blame humans for any and all the bad things that happen in the world. Connect everything to climate change. Turn CO2 into a magic gas with the ability to spread disease, create climate refugees, cause an oceanic uprising to flood low lying areas, destroy crops and cause famine. If it is bad CO2 did it. This is a black magic message of doom. Keep the focus on the damage the climate can do. Focus on the present to make it seem more frequent. Never dwell on the past. There is nothing in the world that can contradict the power of CO2 to do harm. Nothing can falsify the view of the IPCC. And therefore their view is not one based in science. It resembles a religious view where God explains everything. God did it. CO2 has replaced God in the worldview of the IPCC. The have moved from science to the occult. From reality to mysticism. They do not question their belief. It is taken for granted. Challengers are met with name calling, shouting, guilt mongering, anything to undermine their desire to speak out. Challengers cannot be tolerated. This is not a discussion. This is an imposition. It is a sermon not a debate.  

And we should believe them because experts has been on target in the past. ‘Big-League Climatologists’ Predict Several Degrees Warming And Doom By The Year 2000

Mother Nature has the only opinion that counts because she is NEVER wrong.       

SLR Guesses

Well that news won’t please current beachfront owners.

September is the month when minimum annual Arctic sea ice extent is recorded. We have been warned repeatedly by the Arctic sea ice gurus to expect the summer ice to disappear soon because the world is warming. Experts have taken a peek into their crystal balls and reported the results to the media and we are still waiting for someone to get it right.

This year(2014) was Al Gore’s turn. In 2009 he had suggested 2014 as an early date for the demise of the summer Arctic sea ice. Mother Nature did not acommodate. In 2013, a scientist working for the Sierra Club of Canada saw cracks in the ice in March of 2013 that led him to forecast an Arctic free of sea ice in September of that year. He only had to look 6 months into the future and still got it wrong. There have been many previous attempts to get the year correct and each one has failed. Professor Wadhams is up for 2015 but he apparently got cold feet (must be all the ice in the Arctic) and recently revised his forecast to 2020 under the tried and true scientific theorem that it is harder to invalidate moving goalposts. Scientists need to learn to make their prediction far enough into the future so that they are not around when Mother Nature issues a recall on their crystal ball after their embarrassing gaffe. They all sound so earnest when they are making their predictions and the MSM love the scary sound bites. Bad predictions make them look like they didn’t know what they were talking about. Failed predictions are not only detrimental to their own reputations but to their discipline as well. Public skepticism is understandably enhanced.

The decades from 1910  through the 1940s were a warming period during which newspaper articles worrying about the melting Arctic can be found. Scientists warned about flooding coastal cities from melting ice caps. Perhaps what goes on in the Arctic is cyclical because all that sounds very familiar. We still await the deluge.

Are recent predictions of an ice free Arctic now being exported to more distant decades in an attempt to maintain expert reputations at least until death? But isn’t the climate changing now and much faster than scientists once thought?

Mr Wanless seems to have learned from the Arctic ice free forecasters and has started off with dates so far in the future that few adults alive today will be around to hold him to account even posthumously. However, the curators at the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts have already dusted off shelf space for the arrival of his commemorative plaque.

I stumbled across a summary of sea level predictions, errors and revisions here:

Current data here: And Pigs Might Fly!

Interesting stuff presented at AGU2014  here:

Climate change - the settled science of moving goalposts. It is harder to invalidate a running target.

Whither Greenpeace?

After desecrating the Nazca World Heritage Site in Peru I was wondering where the Greenpeace protesters would show up next.

They will be spread kind of thin this week as there are a bunch of them over at the local beaver dam protesting the release of methane that the dams cause. They are carrying placards that read: Beavers be Dammed! Stop your Clear Cutting! Think of your children! We are all going to die! You know, the usual.

Now they will have to send a contingent to the Arctic(can you think of a better place?) to protest the Arctic burrowing squirrel. Nuts to squirrels! Squirrels release carbon pollution! Think of the children! Did deniers put you up to it? Stop desecrating the permafrost!


And finally, diet clinics will be picketed as originators of more CO2. Apparently when people lose fat it is exhaled as CO2. 


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Penny Sackett Doomsday Warning

Laurent Fabius recently declared that “we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.” - Paris 2015

Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne. In 2009, he announced that we had “100 months to save the world.” - mid 2018

Ed Davey intimates that there is only 1 year left to save the planet.

Is this called settled science?

Are any of them willing to put their money where their mouth is?

I’ll wager with all of them. One million dollars on the line. :) Wish I had a million bucks.

How foolish will Penny feel when 2014 passes as have most others: with a Happy New Year, new resolutions and a hangover?

Where will she be on January, 1, 2015. It is silly for scientists to pretend to know the future. Phds are no longer issued with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of infallibility. She should know that. When it arrives, the future has a way of making the psychics look silly. When scientists peer into their crystal ball they risk both personal embarrassment and harm to their profession. Their credibility and that of science takes a huge hit in the public eye. Media prompts for soundbites elicit alarm. It seems to be an unwritten rule of mutual advancement. Alarm generates funding for the scientist who studies it and prestigious headlines for the journalist.

And then there is Wang Chao-hung. Perhaps his penalty should be applied to the likes of Penny Sackett and her ilk.

Sub-prime science leads to worthless statements about the future.

The State of the Climate November 2014

The Northern Hemisphere is enjoying an early winter in November 2014, a sure sign of man made global warming. The climate alarmists continue to warn us about the dangers of a warming world and how winters will get shorter and warmer. Mother Nature has her own agenda and marches to the beat of a different drummer. News of our warming world from among others:

ScreenHunter_4814 Nov. 25 16.05

Arctic Sea Ice Extent At Its Highest Level In Over A Decade - now that one must be disappointing to those who think the Arctic is the fastest warming place on Earth.

Denver cold shatters 1882 record - living the dream of the warming meme

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth - well that figures. As members of our IIC(Idiots in Charge) prepare for a warming world (we have been cooling for at least a decade) Mother Nature is preparing to put us in the deep freeze as solar cycle 24, the weakest in a century, peaks and begins its descent to its minimum over the next 5 or 6 years. And when the AMO flips if it hasn’t already the cold will be enhanced. But the conventional wisdom is we are all going to die from melting ice caps and flooded coastal cities as the world warms more than 2 degrees C. Our IIC live in a Wonderland of their own creation. They won’t recognize reality until their nose freezes. And then they will think it is because they solved the GW problem.


After ‘Arctic Blast,’ Eco-Activists Warn 2014 Could Be Hottest Year On Record – Satellites Disagree - trying to refocus the headlines on their story because they don’t like the one Mother Nature is telling - makes them look stupid

Who's Buyin'?

Al Gore is still selling but who is buying?

Al is linking every instance of bad weather to man made climate change even as scientists including the IPCC advise caution with such a connection.

Is Al’s preaching falling on deaf ears?

Others are noticing a lack of interest in the climate message of doom.

Perhaps people are beginning to recognize the stupidity that runs rampant throughout climate science.

People are beginning to yawn at the frequently touted but rarely seen climate apocalypse.

Mother Nature is not cooperating with the GW script presented by the ‘go to’ MSM climatologists.

Winters are not getting warmer and the planet is getting greener. CO2 is GREEN. Who knew?

The point is Mother Nature is not buyin’ what Al Gore is sellin’ and that news has filtered down to the unwashed masses.

But the State will implement some kind of ‘carbon’ tax because governments are always short of your money and need more for their good deeds. Government good deeds are more important than the ‘crap’ you think you need. Besides the planet is in peril because they say so. And when nothing changes after the implementation of the tax they will tell you weather would have been so much worse without the tax so relax, Jack. We saved the world.

Could you prove them wrong?

Relying on Experts Can Lead You Astray

The experts have been telling us since at least 1988 that the world is warming dangerously due to the human emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. This was to lead to more heat waves and warmer winters. Twenty-five years later cold events are more frequent and extreme weather is less frequent. The experts have gotten it wrong. CO2 has been absolved of the catastrophic effects attributed to it.


And the unquestionable increase in CO2 has brought beneficial results.

Meanwhile there are still people who have chosen not to receive or believe the contrary evidence. They continue to warn of the coming apocalypse.

And how is that going so far guys? You are looking more and more out of touch with reality. What kind of people are out of touch with reality? Get them a bag of nuts.

Well, guys you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. We are catching on. The game is up. The snake oil has been exposed.

Climate scientists not guided by reality are dangerous misfits in pursuit of a self delusional fantasy. Lead them into a padded cell where they can’t be dangerous and give them a bag of nuts.

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