It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where is my Global Warming?

Hey Lonnie, everyone agrees but the lady with the only opinion that counts: Mother Nature. She is giving the finger to the 97%. How come CO2 isn’t trapping summer heat? Look at the temperatures happening now and it isn’t even winter yet. What planet are you living on?

And here is why we don’t believe warmists know what they are talking about:

Several experts also predicted an ice free Arctic ocean by the summer of 2013. Mother Nature gave the finger to the 97% again.

They also called for an active hurricane season in 2013 in the Atlantic Basin.. It was one of the quietest on record in the Atlantic Basin. Must have missed the recall on their crystal ball. Somebody needs to do their Phd on ‘Why the Experts are so often Wrong’.

In our ‘warming world’ where is all this cold air coming from?

The Arctic? Feels like Mother Nature plugged in the refrigerator in the North this year.

Wait a minute! Isn’t the Arctic the fastest warming place on the planet? Didn’t the Arctic sea ice set a record low in September 2012? Doesn’t that mean it was warming up? What happened? Did CO2 in the Arctic stop working? Is it on strike? Does it only trap heat in the summer? Did it go on vacation? Is there a hole in the CO2 blanket over the Arctic?

Our supercharged overheated CO2 laden atmosphere on steroids is at work again.

Where’s my global warming? How come CO2 only works seasonally? How come it doesn’t trap heat in the summer and retain it over the winter? Why doesn’t it build up?

Isn’t that what it is supposed to do?  Winters are supposed to be getting warmer.

Gee, does that mean our atmosphere vents?

Commercial greenhouses have to vent their buildings so the plants don’t wilt. Does Mother Nature vent our atmosphere so that we don’t wilt?

.For most of our history much of the Earth has been an ice ball. There is a reason they say ’It’s Better in the Bahamas!’ And that’s why I go south in the winter.

‘Why then are climatologists speaking out about global warming?’

I have no idea Lonnie. Perhaps it is time to switch gears again and finally recognize that the climate is cyclical and we have nothing to do with it.

Given what is happening outside my window I am more inclined to believe these guys:

Did  Antarctica miss the global warming memo?

When we consider all the cold weather coming down from the Arctic it is not surprising to hear this.

The poles are freezing, we are freezing and the experts have shown they have no idea what is going on and you want us to believe we are responsible for global warming?

Good luck with that.

Can you say delusion?

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