Record ice melt prevents even greater record ice freeze. Global warming to blame. We are doomed.
Down the rabbit hole with Alice in Wonderland where anything is possible comes news of the record ice freeze in the rapidly melting Arctic. CO2 captured and increased the warmth in the Arctic during the summer of 2012 causing record sea ice melt. The retained heat has prevented the sea ice from an even greater record freeze this winter.
CO2 switched gears from causing record melting in the summer to record freezing in the winter. CO2 is bipolar like that and can morph to support whatever the weather is doing.
If it is hot CO2 gives you hot.
If it is cold CO2 gives you cold.
There is no weather phenomena that can’t be blamed on CO2. Ask Al Gore. He does it all the time. Is it too bold to suspect that CO2 causes an absence of critical thinking among alarmists?
Some people don’t seem to be happy unless they can find something of life and death importance to be concerned about. They need a ‘sky is falling’ focus for their life.
According to some alarmists when atmospheric concentration of CO2 is above 350 ppm bad weather is dirty and caused by CO2. Below 350 bad weather is clean and due to natural causes. Excuse my ignorance but should we not conclude that CO2 has nothing to do with bad weather? Is it correct to believe that hurricanes can tell the difference in atmospheric CO2 concentration just as tornadoes can? Both instances of extreme weather are trending down in recent years. Increasing CO2 seems to have a calming effect on their appearance and severity which is not the conclusion that alarmists want you to draw. And that is alarming.
Other than being an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth CO2 has no redeeming features.
Our warming world, especially the fastest warming area on the planet - the poles - keeps the record Arctic sea ice freeze from attaining even greater extent. We need to stop using fossil fuels immediately before the world freezes over. Warming causes cold except when it doesn’t.
The models didn’t predict this. It is worse than we thought. The ice is freezing at record rates and we are all going to drown.
Seals can’t find breathing holes in the ice and polar bears can’t find seals and it is a travesty that they can’t.
Physics turned on its head as warming causes record freeze. Inuit have turned on their A/C to warm the place up in a heroic effort to prevent more sea ice growth.
The repercussions for the Arctic will be devastating. Expect an ice free Arctic in the summer of 2013.
Meanwhile, back above ground in the real world, where we experience cyclical sea ice melt in the summer and sea ice freeze in the winter, life goes on. Bad weather has nothing to do with CO2. Neither does temperature.
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