It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

What Planet is Al Gore Talking About?

Does Gore know which planet he is talking about?

Unfortunately, even though public opinion now firmly supports the scientific consensus that dirty energy causes dirty weather, too many of our politicians continue to treat this topic as merely a political issue.

Perhaps because it is, Al. He says things as if they are truisms but without presenting any evidence to back them up. This can create delusions not only in his mind but in the consciousness of true believers who hear him. Has Al been off planet and missed the latest climate poll?

“Most Geoscientists and Engineers are Global Warming skeptics”

His scientific consensus about dirty energy causing dirty weather evaporates under scrutiny. Is he unaware of the latest IPPC SREX report on extreme events?

A few quotable quotes from the report (from Chapter 4):

    "There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized losses have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change"...
    "The absence of an attributable climate change signal in losses also holds for flood losses"

Is he not aware of history? Does he not know that the bad weather events that we experience today were also part of the past? Floods, droughts, blizzards, hurricanes and tornadoes were not invented in the last 30 years. They also occur in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 that were lower than today’s 395ppm. Does this not suggest that CO2 has nothing to do with bad weather?

Extreme Climate Change Events: Early 1950's

Al lives in the US does he not? How can he have missed this report? Does he only read and hear about that which confirms his preferred delusion?

Extreme Violent Storms On Decline In U.S. - Rapid CO2 Growth Has Minimal Climate Impact

A summary of extreme weather trends can be found here. It is full of charts and graphs for an easy pictorial summary of the decreasing trends in bad weather.

Does Al realize that when he ignores the truth about extreme weather that he becomes the purveyor of misinformation? Alarmists like to accuse skeptics of being purveyors of mis/disinformation while it is they who are experts in the practice. In psychology this is called projection.

Among alarmists it is pervasive. Even the POTUS in his SOTU speech couldn’t resist repeating the platitudinous delusion.

The POTUS has been taken to task for his climate ignorance here.

On my planet extreme weather occurs less frequently than in the past although the damage can often be greater because there are more of us and we have more stuff. The lower frequency has occurred under the regime of a higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Should we not conclude that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change?

The science seems to indicate that that is the case.

Poor Al and Obama.The warming world they like to trumpet has abandoned them. CAGW can hardly be blamed on something that isn’t happening even as CO2 continues to accumulate in the atmosphere. Their fear mongering and guilt induction is growing weary. The call for sacrifice to save the planet is empty.

The climate has moved on and Mother Nature is singing a different song. AL and Obama need to listen to the new tune and find a new issue to champion because this one is dead.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spin to WIn

Behemoth storm blankets Northeast with 2 feet of snow, darkens 650,000 homes, businesses

If your pet theory is in trouble you can modify it to try for a better fit with reality or you can abandon it as useless and start over again. Climate scientists dedicated to the CACC meme so far, have decided to save their theory of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change (CAGW/CACC) by claiming all weather phenomena as evidence to confirm the theory. CO2 has become God of the Atmosphere and can create whatever the weather is as what the weather was predicted to be by the unfalsifiable and hence correct (sarc) theory of climate change. If that reads like you just took a trip down the rabbit hole to visit Alice in Wonderland then welcome to the club.

Scientists emotionally invested in their theory , who can admit no contrary evidence, will blind themselves to reality in order to save the theory (and their funding?). Admission of error is not an option for these people.

So they spin to win. Contradictions be damned. Reality be damned.

The blizzard of February 2013 is causing all kinds of turmoil for the alarmists. They know that most people are not going to expect blizzards in a warming world. And now one appears in the winter after the warmest year in the US, evah! has collected a few spin examples some of which come from Tom Nelson.

Environment Canada's senior climatologist David Phillips: 'We know the future is warmer and with less snow

Don’t worry we know the future and there will be less snow. Climate models say so.

UN IPCC's Michael Oppenheimer: I know CO2 is overheating the planet if there''s enough snow to use my sled or if there''s not enough snow to use my sled

It doesn’t mattah what the weatha. CO2 did it and we are right. It’s physics, stupid.

Flashback 2010: Climate Depot's Morano on Fox News: 'There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens 'proves' their case'

Some people have caught on to the nonsense.

Warmists spin: We just remembered CO2 has caused air to become 'super-saturated with water'! (But if we talk about drought 10 minutes from now, please forget whole 'super-saturated air' thing)

Spin to win. We are nevah wrong!

'The reality is that such snowstorms often don't occur despite global warming, but because of it' -- 'Michael Mann: 'It's basic physics, and it's irrefutable.'

Michael, let’s bake some snow together.

Warmist Bill McKibben wants you to think you created blizzard! 'Scientists: Warmer, water-saturated air, breeds bigger storms. Happy shoveling, everyone!'

Also makes cold storms in a warming world. Warmer air makes colder snow. Got it. I am now a genius. My application to Mensa is in the mail. Would you be surprised to learn that snowy winters are colder?

Michael Mann: Blizzard is to Global Warming like a slam dunk is to a lower net

Digging in deeper, Michael. Clever analogy though.

Flashback: Top Democrats Warn Low Snow Levels Prove Global Warming (Video)

A few years ago when the science was settled  that was the refrain.  Now that the science has been resettled to match what Mother Nature is doing we have this nonsense.

Flashback 2010: NYT's Climate Astrology: 'Bundle Up, It's Global Warming' -- 'Overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes'

Baking more snow.  But what does the latest research say?

New paper finds warming causes less snow: Paper published in the Journal of Climate

Is this why Richard Feynman said: Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.?

CO2 causes warmer/colder winters - which is it?

Where climate change is concerned the settled science isn’t. Climate Alarmaholics like to find something to be alarmed about. It doesn’t have to be consistent with anything. CO2 has been made the cause of any kind of bad weather. CO2 is an amazing trace gas and explanatory variable. It can bring rain, drought, snow, tornado, hurricane or heatwave. There is nothing it can’t do.

When a prediction is falsified by Mother Nature the settled science can adapt to that situation by remembering that it is really what is happening now that was predicted. To know what the climate science predicts just look out the window. Climate scientists will figure out the spin later. Whatever is out there is what the theory predicts. Prediction is post hoc; it is more successful  that way.

The New York Times on December 27, 2012, featured an OpEd with the headline : Bundle Up, It's Global Warming

The NYT thinks we are all stupid and will buy anything they say. Global warming brings snow. What do scientists say?

New paper finds warming causes less snow: Paper published in the Journal of Climate

This is what alarmists originally thought.

UN IPCC 2001: 'Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms'

Then when it didn’t happen:

Flashback 2011: Gore now claims 'increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with... man-made global warming'

Spin to win. Resettle the science.

'So is there any weather pattern that would disprove global warming?'

Not in warmist land which is down the same rabbit hole that Alice visited.

'We used to call them snake oil salesmen, now we call them climate scientists'

We must be right because we have the right agenda that must be implemented.

Paper: 'No matter what the weather, it's all due to warming. This isn't science; it's a kind of faith

The only man made thing that an increase in CO2 atmospheric concentrations seems to generate is increasing contradictions among the explanations. The new settled science is the opposite of the old settled science. But some people are not fooled and can see that the Emperor has no clothes.

Non-falsifiable Hypothesis': AGW 'looks like its own self-contained and self-referential lunatic asylum...finding positive proof of climate change in every weather surprise'

Warmist speak:

'I bought a sled in '96 for my daughter,' said Oppenheimer, a scientist at the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund. 'It's been sitting in the stairwell, and hasn't been used. I used to go sledding all the time. It's one of my most vivid and pleasant memories as a kid, hauling the sled out to Cunningham Park in Queens.'

Well, NEMO has now brought lots of snow to Queens. Hope he still has the sled. The climate tends to be cyclical. You would think an EDF scientist would know that.

New York Times in 2000: 'Sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling'

How about skiing in town in Portland Maine

Apparently, the crystal ball at the NYT is broken. So let’s do the smart CYA thing.

NASA in 1999: 'Winter in the Northern Hemisphere will continue to warm' Warmists in 2010: 'Global warming means colder and snowier winters in Europe and North America'

Warmists like to flip flop and hope no one notices.

ABC News Blames Global Warming for Extreme Cold Temps: Global warming 'means winters with more snow' Brutal cold & snow 'could be the new normal'

Now, I know why I don’t rely on the MSM for my news. Do they even listen to themselves? Do they not run their thoughts by anyone for logical accuracy before they let them out in public?

UK Guardian Says Global Warming Induced Cold Is The New Normal: 'That is the great thing about man-made CO2 – all natural phenomenon can be blamed on it'

The Guardian actually said that? With logic like that no wonder the world is such rough shape.
CO2 take a bow! Your powers to hypnotize gullible humans goes unsurpassed. You have the MSM mesmerized in full stupid mode.

Hot summers confirm golbal warming and cold winters confirm global warming. Wet weather confirms global warming, dry weather confirms global warming, no warming confirms global warming, it is the ultimate non falsifiable hypothesis but that is not science.

These two occurred when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels in the atmosphere. Yup, must be CO2 alright.

Great Blizzard of 1888 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Northeastern United States blizzard of 1978 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And for my next trick I, CO2 the almighty, will make floods produce drought. Nothing up my sleeve....

Friday, February 8, 2013

Canada in a Warming World

No More Snow In Canada By 2020

Southern Ontario braces for biggest snowstorm in years

Storm hitting southern Ontario causes closures and accidents

Here is what it is like in Toronto today Feb. 8, 2013. -9C feels like -19C.

Snow Is A Thing Of The Past In Toronto

Not so bad, eh?

Well, some people like it.

Should this be happening in a warming world?

Can we put the CAGW delusion behind us yet?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

News Flash Down the Arctic Rabbit Hole

Record ice melt prevents even greater record ice freeze. Global warming to blame. We are doomed.

Down the rabbit hole with Alice in Wonderland where anything is possible comes news of the record ice freeze in the rapidly melting Arctic. CO2 captured and increased the warmth in the Arctic during the summer of 2012 causing record sea ice melt. The retained heat has prevented the sea ice from an even greater record freeze this winter.

CO2 switched gears from causing record melting in the summer to record freezing in the winter. CO2 is bipolar like that and can morph to support whatever the weather is doing.

If it is hot CO2 gives you hot.

If it is cold CO2 gives you cold.

There is no weather phenomena that can’t be blamed on CO2. Ask Al Gore. He does it all the time. Is it too bold to suspect that CO2 causes an absence of critical thinking among alarmists?
Some  people don’t seem to be happy unless they can find something of life and death importance to be concerned about. They need a ‘sky is falling’ focus for their life.

According to some alarmists when atmospheric concentration of CO2 is above 350 ppm bad weather is dirty and caused by CO2. Below 350 bad weather is clean and due to natural causes. Excuse my ignorance but should we not conclude that CO2 has nothing to do with bad weather? Is it correct to believe that hurricanes can tell the difference in atmospheric CO2 concentration just as tornadoes can? Both instances of extreme weather are trending down in recent years. Increasing CO2 seems to have a calming effect on their appearance and severity which is not the conclusion that alarmists want you to draw. And that is alarming.

Other than being an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth CO2 has no redeeming features.

Our warming world, especially the fastest warming area on the planet - the poles - keeps the record Arctic sea ice freeze from attaining even greater extent. We need to stop using fossil fuels immediately before the world freezes over. Warming causes cold except when it doesn’t.

The models didn’t predict this. It is worse than we thought. The ice is freezing at record rates and we are all going to drown.

Seals can’t find breathing holes in the ice and polar bears can’t find seals and it is a travesty that they can’t.

Physics turned on its head as warming causes record freeze. Inuit have turned on their A/C to warm the place up in a heroic effort to prevent more sea ice growth.

The repercussions for the Arctic will be devastating. Expect an ice free Arctic in the summer of 2013.

Meanwhile, back above ground in the real world, where we experience cyclical sea ice melt in the summer and sea ice freeze in the winter, life goes on. Bad weather has nothing to do with CO2. Neither does temperature.

Antarctica: the only inhabitable continent by 2100

Sir David King in 2004 made the assertion that by the end of the century Antarctica would be the only habitable continent if global warming remained unchecked. So how is that going so far?

Record sea ice extent for Antarctica in 2012.

Current global sea ice extent - Feb 2013 in the middle of the Antarctic summer

Vostok enjoys a balmy -119F.

The South Pole sets a record in 2012 at -100.8F.

The South Pole has been cooling for 30 years.

The East Antarctic ice sheet has been stable and its interior growing

Why Antarctica doesn’t need saving

Pictures of the South Pole Station - read the caption. So, is it gaining or losing ice cover?

Have you got your bags packed?

You are off to a good start Sir David.

This is why Richard Feynman said: "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts"

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