What does that mean?
‘So think of 100-year forest fires, 100-year droughts, 100-year floods, 100-year hurricanes.That could be a new way of life in the future because there's more energy circulating in the atmosphere.’ So says Professor Michio Kaku.
Is Kaku cuckoo?
Since he said ‘could be’ he really doesn’t know and is only speculating right?
Here is more: "We had a normal hurricane that collided with the jet stream -- which normally goes maybe to Kansas -- it went all the way down to Florida. And so the irregularity of cold air from the Arctic and warm air from the Caribbean area -- hotter than normal -- the collision of those two morphed into an animal we've never seen before. This hybrid storm, which then became the hurricane from hell."
So the Arctic is cold? Aren’t we told that it is the fastest warming place on Earth? Didn’t the sea ice melt to a record low extent in September 2012? The Arctic lost its heat in a hurry. Where did it go?
Can these climate experts ever get their story straight?
The hurricane from hell? Aren’t they all ‘a hurricane from hell’ to the people who experience them? Have we forgotten Katrina and Wilma of 2005? Andrew of 1992? And now Haiyan of 2013 in the Philippines.
He continues: Asked about other scientists and their opinions on this issue, Kaku said it's "near unanimous." He said, "You have to hunt very carefully for any kind of skeptic. Most of the skeptics, just like myself, have changed their opinion and now realize it's a real, tangible effect. “
How does he know? Did he take a poll? Who was the polling company? When was it tasken? Who was asked? How many responded? What were the questions? Or is this just his hunch?
Here are some who disagree that superstorm Sandy was anything but a unique combination of weather events not fueled by CO2 induced man made climate change.
Scientists dispute Sandy grown by global warming
Maintaining the delusion that CAGW caused Sandy we have the usual culprits: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Bette Midler, Oliver Stone, Van Jones, Michael Moore, Michael Mann, CNN, Huffpo, Chris Mooney.
Here comes some more bad weather for the Northeast US. Cold and snow brought to us by all the extra energy in the atmosphere generated by burning fossil fuels no doubt.
a. Relative lack of warmth.
b. The sensation resulting from lack of warmth; chill.
2. A condition of low air temperature; cold weather: went out into the cold and got a chill.
Heat: the quality of being hot; hotness: in physics, heat is considered a form of energy existing as the result of the random motion of molecules and is the form of energy that is transferred between bodies as a result of their temperature difference
So cold could be considered a relative lack of energy. So CO2, that heat trapping gas, is bringing a lack of heat to the US Northeast.
Makes sense. CO2 is quite magical. And warmist alarmists are delusional.