It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, December 30, 2013

The Debate is Over

So said Al Gore while expressing his opinion on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) around 2006

And because it is over Al won’t debate. The refusal to debate is evidence of a weak case.

If your case is strong you would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate that in front of the largest audience possible so that people can see the strength of your argument against the weakness of your opponent’s objections.

The avoidance of debate is pursued to deny your opponents a forum in which to show the weakness of your case. You want to keep their objections away from the public because you know your case is weak.

But, Al, you are correct. The debate is over.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Confusion in the Ranks

So, who is correct? John Kerry a non-scientist who is presumably getting his information from the IPCC or the IPCC who ignores their own science reports and links a typhoon to global warming? This is really the IPCC battling with itself. Has Kerry read the AR5 SPM and remembers the following conclusion?  

“Low confidence” that damaging increases will occur in either drought or tropical cyclone activity (SPM-23, Table SPM.1).

In other words, man made climate change has not affected tropical cyclone frequency or intensity.

But Kerry has drunk the man made climate change kool-aid as he offers aid to Vietnamese farmers and fishermen to combat climate change. Kerry believes CC is real even though individual events can’t be linked to CO2. Apparently, the 4-7 inches of sea level rise expected by 2100 is too much adaptation for the Vietnamese to manage by themselves. Whether the Vietnamese farmers and fishermen believe in man made climate change or not for $17 million of US taxpayer money they are willing to buy into the meme. You can buy as much agreement as you are willing to pay for. Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature 17 years ago. No doubt Kerry feels no remorse at the expenditure of US taxpayer money to perpetuate a delusion.

'Kerry pledged $17 million to a program that will help the region's rice producers, shrimp and crab farmers and fisherman adapt to potential changes caused by higher sea levels that bring salt water into the delicate ecosystem.'

UHI stands for the Urban Heat Island effect. Back in 1989, the year after James Hansen declared the climate change games open, US data did not show any warming.

And yet back in 1907 scientists seemed to be quite aware of UHI  See the link above.       

Mr Hansen couldn’t explain the missing heat that was predicted to arise from the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere back in 1989 when US data did not show any upward trend in temperature.

Climate scientists 25 years later are once again looking for the missing heat that has been promised by their global climate models.

Perhaps because climate change is cyclical and CO2 has nothing to do with it?

Climate Change Brainwashing

Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature 17 years ago ergo,

Climate change brainwashing continues apace in the schools of the nation.

The response of the ethicist is well worth reading.

However, not everyone can be fooled. Some students see through the unequivocal political nature of the meme.

Bette Midler Knows AGW

70 degrees in NYC yesterday, Dec.22. Still not enough evidence to convince US policy makers global warming exists. Turn the Titanic around!

In a tweet Bette Midler wondered how people could deny global warming when the temperature in NYC was 70F on Dec 22nd.

Do warmists always draw general conclusions based on one data point?

How does she then explain with less CO2 in the air the 90F temperature on Xmas eve in Kansas in 1955?

Was the 1955 CO2 more powerful than that we have now? Was the 1955 CO2 able to trap more heat than the CO2 of today?

And how come most (83%) of the warmest Christmas Eves happened  prior to 1965 when CO2 was much lower than it is today.

If 70F in NYC is evidence of AGW in Bette’s mind then what does she make of snow in Cairo, Israel, Amman and Saudi Arabia in December 2013? Why, it must be evidence of global cooling according to her logic!

Hot here when it should be cold; cold there when it should be hot. Is Mother Nature having PMS?

Or perhaps hot here; cold there is heat distribution not so rare. After all, at any time there is only so much energy in the atmosphere. If more of it appears here then it only stands to reason that there must be less elsewhere in order to keep the same total. This makes CO2 as an explanation for this state of affairs difficult to fathom. We can’t say that CO2 rushes to point A to trap the heat and make it warmer while the places from which it departed become colder. Mother Nature is in charge of heat distribution and she ‘decides’ according to her own chaotic set of rules which we as yet do not and may never understand. So we should not be surprised that if unexpected warmth shows up here that elsewhere there will be unexpected cold.

We complain about this state of affairs all the time and say that the ‘weather is crazy’.

Crazy weather has been with us for the lifetime of our species and will continue to accompany us on our journey forward through time. It is our fate.

Our biggest fear ought to be another ice age when Canada will cease to exist and Canadians will no longer be visitors to the US but permanent residents. When ice sheets advance toward the 49th parallel geographic boundaries will become meaningless.

Nothing Could Be Finer Than to Burn Black Coal in China the morning.

As we freeze in the Northern Hemisphere in the winter of 2013-14 with ice storms and snow and cold China does its best to warm us up.

And here is the proof!

Why isn’t CO2 working? Did it forget to trap the summer heat?

What has happened to our global warming, dude?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where is my Global Warming?

Hey Lonnie, everyone agrees but the lady with the only opinion that counts: Mother Nature. She is giving the finger to the 97%. How come CO2 isn’t trapping summer heat? Look at the temperatures happening now and it isn’t even winter yet. What planet are you living on?

And here is why we don’t believe warmists know what they are talking about:

Several experts also predicted an ice free Arctic ocean by the summer of 2013. Mother Nature gave the finger to the 97% again.

They also called for an active hurricane season in 2013 in the Atlantic Basin.. It was one of the quietest on record in the Atlantic Basin. Must have missed the recall on their crystal ball. Somebody needs to do their Phd on ‘Why the Experts are so often Wrong’.

In our ‘warming world’ where is all this cold air coming from?

The Arctic? Feels like Mother Nature plugged in the refrigerator in the North this year.

Wait a minute! Isn’t the Arctic the fastest warming place on the planet? Didn’t the Arctic sea ice set a record low in September 2012? Doesn’t that mean it was warming up? What happened? Did CO2 in the Arctic stop working? Is it on strike? Does it only trap heat in the summer? Did it go on vacation? Is there a hole in the CO2 blanket over the Arctic?

Our supercharged overheated CO2 laden atmosphere on steroids is at work again.

Where’s my global warming? How come CO2 only works seasonally? How come it doesn’t trap heat in the summer and retain it over the winter? Why doesn’t it build up?

Isn’t that what it is supposed to do?  Winters are supposed to be getting warmer.

Gee, does that mean our atmosphere vents?

Commercial greenhouses have to vent their buildings so the plants don’t wilt. Does Mother Nature vent our atmosphere so that we don’t wilt?

.For most of our history much of the Earth has been an ice ball. There is a reason they say ’It’s Better in the Bahamas!’ And that’s why I go south in the winter.

‘Why then are climatologists speaking out about global warming?’

I have no idea Lonnie. Perhaps it is time to switch gears again and finally recognize that the climate is cyclical and we have nothing to do with it.

Given what is happening outside my window I am more inclined to believe these guys:

Did  Antarctica miss the global warming memo?

When we consider all the cold weather coming down from the Arctic it is not surprising to hear this.

The poles are freezing, we are freezing and the experts have shown they have no idea what is going on and you want us to believe we are responsible for global warming?

Good luck with that.

Can you say delusion?


In Inuit mythology Negafook is the god of weather systems - especially cold ones.

It isn’t even officially winter in the Northern Hemisphere (Dec 6, 2013) but Negafook is on the loose.

What happened to our warming world that global warming alarmists are always so hysterical about?

We are told that all the CO2 we are adding to the atmosphere traps heat. Could it trap it a little closer to the ground please?

Or does CO2 only work in the tropics in the winter?.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

And W Know This Becuase...

We know this because the Global Climate Models (GCMs) have done so well at predicting the state of the climate since their invention. /sarc

If the GCMs were accurate and validated by Mother Nature we might want to heed the warning at ThinkProgress. But since this has turned out not to be the case the fear mongering at ThinkRegress can be ignored.

The GCMs have failed to reproduce what Mother Nature has done over the last 15 years. The rise in temperatures of the late 20th century over which so much doomsday ink has been spilled stopped at least 15 years ago. This little bit of reality means that the GCMs which assign a starring role to CO2 have overestimated the sensitivity of the atmosphere to the presence of increasing concentrations of CO2, an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth. Burning fossil fuels which produces CO2 as a by product is not the evil activity that it has been made out to be. This is good news because it is the discovery and use of fossil fuels that has allowed our standard of living to improve so much over the years. Each generation has seen increasing benefits of fossil fuel use placed before them in new labor saving machines from dishwashers to iPhones.

My children and grandchildren will see the continued marvels of fossil fuels use appear before their amazed eyes unless we are stupid enough to believe that CO2 controls the temperature of the Earth and begin to lower human emissions. Given that politicians hate to admit wrong more than they hate to harm people our leaders do not inspire confidence in this observer.

Curtailing the use of fossil fuels will be imposed on the populace. The state will be exempt.

Pyongyang does not deny itself just its citizens. Will that be our model of government going forward?

ThinkRegress wants to impose it on us. Do they know not what they do?

Or do they know very well?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More Energy in the Atmosphere Causes Bad Westher?

What does that mean?

‘So think of 100-year forest fires, 100-year droughts, 100-year floods, 100-year hurricanes.That could be a new way of life in the future because there's more energy circulating in the atmosphere.’ So says Professor Michio Kaku.

Is Kaku cuckoo?

Since he said ‘could be’ he really doesn’t know and is only speculating right?

Here is more: "We had a normal hurricane that collided with the jet stream -- which normally goes maybe to Kansas -- it went all the way down to Florida. And so the irregularity of cold air from the Arctic and warm air from the Caribbean area -- hotter than normal -- the collision of those two morphed into an animal we've never seen before. This hybrid storm, which then became the hurricane from hell."

So the Arctic is cold? Aren’t we told that it is the fastest warming place on Earth? Didn’t the sea ice melt to a record low extent in September 2012? The Arctic lost its heat in a hurry. Where did it go?
Can these climate experts ever get their story straight?

The hurricane from hell? Aren’t they all ‘a hurricane from hell’ to the people who experience them? Have we forgotten Katrina and Wilma of 2005? Andrew of 1992? And now Haiyan of 2013 in the Philippines.

He continues: Asked about other scientists and their opinions on this issue, Kaku said it's "near unanimous." He said, "You have to hunt very carefully for any kind of skeptic. Most of the skeptics, just like myself, have changed their opinion and now realize it's a real, tangible effect. “

How does he know? Did he take a poll? Who was the polling company? When was it tasken? Who was asked? How many responded? What were the questions? Or is this just his hunch?

Here are some who disagree that superstorm Sandy was anything but a unique combination of weather events not fueled by CO2 induced man made climate change.

Houston Chronicle citing the evidence

Joe Bastardi - meteorologist

Meteorologist Ryan Maue here and here and here

Scientists dispute Sandy grown by global warming

Climate Depot summary

Maintaining the delusion that CAGW caused Sandy we have the usual culprits: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Bette Midler, Oliver Stone, Van Jones, Michael Moore, Michael Mann, CNN, Huffpo, Chris Mooney.

Here comes some more bad weather for the Northeast US. Cold and snow brought to us by all the extra energy in the atmosphere generated by burning fossil fuels no doubt.

a. Relative lack of warmth.
b. The sensation resulting from lack of warmth; chill.
2. A condition of low air temperature; cold weather: went out into the cold and got a chill.

Heat: the quality of being hot; hotness: in physics, heat is considered a form of energy existing as the result of the random motion of molecules and is the form of energy that is transferred between bodies as a result of their temperature difference

So cold could be considered a relative lack of energy. So CO2, that heat trapping gas, is bringing a lack of heat to the US Northeast.

Makes sense. CO2 is quite magical. And warmist alarmists are delusional.

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