It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Flights of Fancy

“If u don't 'believe' in the science of climate change (that it isnt real or man-made) then u believe 1000s of scientists are lying. “

So says an actor by the name of Rainn Wilson who plays "Dwight Schrute" on the TV program ‘The Office’. 
Amy Brenneman tweets "So weird Romney is proud of not making global warming a priority. Like being proud of driving drunk."

Actors must immerse themselves in fanciful worlds to play the characters that entertain us. Most actors are able to switch back and forth between their roles and their real selves. Those that cannot remain immersed in self delusion. The expertise of an actor might well qualify them  to spot delusions in the real world.

However, some can’t extricate themselves from their imaginary worlds long enough to recognize the real world. They get confused. Let us help Mr Wilson and Ms Brenneman reacquaint themselves with the real world.

Change is what the climate does. Scientists regularly argue back and forth until they discover reality or how the world really works. Rainn seems to be unaware that there is another opinion of how the climate operates that does not support the Statements for Policymakers published by the IPCC. Some of the scientists who worked for the IPCC do not support those conclusions.

Rainn, you can read about that dissent here and here and here and here.

Did Mr Dan Schectman believe his colleagues were lying or just mistaken? It turned out that the conventional wisdom, the settled science, the consensus was wrong and the ‘denier’ was correct.

Hope you will allow yourself to explore the other side Rainn.

Although Ms Brenneman would not agree it is to be hoped that Romney will make global warming a priority and roll back all the subsidies to green energy generation as well as rescind the CO2 designation as a pollutant by the EPA. CO2 is plant food. CO2 is green.

CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

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