First it was Climategate and now it is Fakegate. Will global warmist alarmists stop at nothing to try and convince you that CO2, a trace, harmless gas essential to life on earth is the root of all environmental evil.
There are another 220,000 emails in the Climategate saga that have not yet been released. That story is incomplete. It would appear that the whistleblower in that instance is giving the culprits implicated in the 6000 or so emails that have been released time to fess up to their wrongdoing before the rest are made public and thus driving the authorities to finally take some action since the wrongdoers will not own up to their bastardized science and anti scientific actions.
It will be interesting to see if the writer of the fake Heartland Institute document will come forward or be found out. When illegal actions are performed to further an agenda the basis of that agenda is called into question as are the motives of those who support it.
Stacking the deck by altering past data to conform to the desired story is another trick used by the pious.
Science is being corrupted just as Eisenhower warned that it might:
"Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we
should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that
public policy could itself become the captive of a
scientific-technological elite."
Sadly, with the unfinished stories of Climategate and now Fakegate climate science has become such a captive. Comedians instantly have a new source of material. The mockery of 'climate science' can only be a late night away. I'll get the popcorn.
Fakegate update. Gleick likely author of fake memo which he claimed to have received in the mail.
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