In 2011, the experts were saying that the Texas drought might become permanent. In 2015, they are blaming CO2 for the flooding they weren’t expecting. But climate science has advanced since 2011. Now, whatever extreme weather event should show up is due to too much CO2 in the air because we burn fossil fuels.
If the warmist would stop and think for a bit he could probably come up with the skeptic's argument all by himself.
Does it not occur to the warmist to check history for similar periods of bouncy, bouncy?
What would he find? Has the 2015 Texas reversal never happened in the past?
In other words the skeptic will research the data to see if similar instances of a quick end to a drought has ever happened in Texas before 2015. The answer is yes and this relieves the current flooding of any unprecedented claim to fame.
“We’ll be fine,” Perry said in mid-August. “As my dad [a retired cotton farmer] says, ‘It’ll rain. It always does.’”