It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Irony of Denial

In the ‘climate change is real and we are at fault’ debate it is the alarmists, who use the term ‘denier’ to denote those with whom they respectfully disagree, who actually have their heads buried in the sand. And the MSM has completely missed this story. Is it a wilfully blind miss or do the MSM not do any fact checking? The alarmists are projecting their own denial of the facts onto skeptics in an exercise of self delusion. They want to be right, must be right, see themselves as right therefore skeptics must be wrong. Detecting self delusion is not their strongpoint.

We are told “Virtually all climate scientists agree that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels is contributing to the warming of the planet.” Would they like facts with that?

In science, Mother Nature tells the tale. When we look at the information that has been gathered by government agencies charged with collecting and presenting climate data bought and paid for by the taxpayer we discover a different story than the one that is presented by the MSM and self interested parties.

Mother Nature stopped raising the Global Mean Temperature over 15+ years ago depending on which temperature dataset that you use. There are 5 of them that have global coverage to one degree or another. This temperature stasis has occurred despite the fact that CO2 has continued to rise unabated in the atmosphere. The theory of man made global warming (MMGW) says that as CO2 increases so will the temperature. It hasn’t and this is a disconnect between theory and reality. When that happens and we hate it when it does, science says: modify or abandon your theory because as it stands it is wrong.

The Global Climate Models(GCMs) that are used to project the future state of the climate failed to anticipate the current temperature stasis. Almost all projected a significantly higher temperature at this time in history than we currently experience. The GCMs are far more sensitive to CO2 than is the real climate.

Let us be clear about the meaning of the temperature stasis. It MEANS that the science is not settled and that Mother Nature is elevating her middle finger in the face of the consensus.

We are told that as the globe warms that extreme weather will become more frequent and more severe. When we look at the data for extreme weather as CO2 has increased in the atmosphere this is not what we find. Neither temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, heatwaves, drought, floods or fires are on the increase over the last 60 years when man made emissions of CO2 grew most rapidly. In 2013 both hurricanes and tornadoes were at historic lows in the US.

We are told that as the world warms the polar regions will melt and sea level will rise. Stories of the melting polar regions have appeared in newspapers since they first started to report on the Arctic and Antarctic. The melting is to show up in rising sea levels which is why the latest study on sea level rise(SLR) is so interesting. It shows no acceleration in SLR which calls into question the fears of a meltdown at the poles. SLR says it is not happening.

So where is the existential climate crisis hiding? We can’t find it in real world data. Perhaps it is a delusion in our minds concocted and placed there by Pinky and the Brain in their constant quest to take over the world.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~Club of Rome

A brilliant plan, Brain! Deceive people into believing in a faux existential crisis in order to manipulate them into surrendering their freedom to the ruling elite control freaks who will micromanage their lives for the benefit of the ruling elite. Brilliant and bloodless!

You sacrifice and they continue their elaborate lifestyles because they are fabulous and only concerned with the well being of the planet. Or is that only a convenient cover for more sinister goals? You be the judge.

Global Warming - A Review of the Evidence

Some people don’t read or don’t understand arguments skeptical of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. (CAGW).

Data destroys dogma.

Again the POTUS is Wrong


While  the POTUS is busy denigrating skeptics as deniers because they do not see California wildfires as examples of man made climate change real scientists in three separate papers have discovered that forest fires in the West burn less than in historical times.

While the POTUS cites ‘the science’ real scientists cite Mother Nature who once again makes a fool of the POTUS.

When will real science regain its rightful place and displace propaganda as the correct guide to policy making.

Not under Obama.

Warming, Stasis, Cooling

We have cycled out of the Little Ice Age and it is warmer now than it was in 1850. No one disputes this.
Since this inconvenient fact creates a disconnect between reality and theory it requires an explanation - several of them.
Do the Hustle
The climate cycles continuously.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Lessons from the 2012 Drought

“the single most important fact that America’s climate scientists can share with the American people is that they have reached near-unanimous agreement—the climate is changing and human activity is the main cause.” Quote taken from The Scientist Magazine.

Perhaps America’s climate scientists could start with what they know and comment on the summer 2012 drought and heatwaves in the US. They could point out the IPCC Global Climate Models assume that as CO2, a GHG, warms the atmosphere more water vapor(H2O) will evaporate from bodies of water and enter the atmosphere to further amplify the warming effect because H2O is also a GHG. In fact they could point out that it is a more prolific GHG than CO2 since its concentration(~1%) in the atmosphere far exceeds that of CO2(.04%).

They might then like to point out that in a drought there is a lack, a dearth, an absence of H2O in the atmosphere. That is what drought means. Temperatures are also hotter in a period of drought than in more humid times in the same area. This is why the American press (MSM) went hysterical over the record number of high temperatures that were set during the summer 2012 drought. We got those numbers on a daily basis. Global Warming they screamed.

Two problems. The drought wasn’t global.

Their Alaskan friends would attest to that.

Also, Scandinavians were basking in the midst of a cool summer.

The Brits also experienced a wet, cool summer as the Olympic Beach Volleyball ladies will testify. They didn’t want to wear their traditional garb during their matches.

The scientists could point that out as well.

As an interesting aside, on our rapidly warming globe, the world record high temperature still stands and only ONE State record high temperature was set during the summer drought of 2012. US maximum high temperatures are on the decline while US State minimum lows are on the increase. Check and verify.

And, more importantly, triple digit temperatures are not so frequent during more humid, more normal non-drought times. This is, of course, to the astute observer, exactly the opposite of what is predicted by the IPCC GCMs. More humidity, more water vapor in the air tends to reduce temperature extremes and cool the planet. It is cooler in non-drought times because there is more water vapor in the air.

KA_BOOOOM! That was the sound of the CAGW theory being blown to smithereens.

Is it Science or Politics

But David W. Titley thinks it’s about science and not politics.

“The changing climate is already serving as a catalyst for conflict”

But the trends in armed conflict have been down since the early 1990s. Why doesn’t a Rear Admiral, retired know that? Charts and Graphs -Armed Conflict Trends Uppsala University, Sweden

“I have a Ph.D in meteorology. I know how complicated the weather system is and how difficult it is to predict accurately the weather even a few days in advance.”

And yet you believe what is said about the future of the climate? Are there futurebots that we can send to the year 2100 to take videos of our fate and bring them back? No, computer models are used that have not been validated. How would you validate them?

“But climate is not about predictions of a specific day’s weather months or years in the future. It’s understanding the trends: hotter or colder, wetter or drier, trends in sea level rise and in severe storms.”

The state of the art USCRN shows cooling. Why was the USCRN constructed?

Wetter or drier? So which is it? We get both in the same year. Are we going to bake or drown?

Severe storms? No upward trend; even the IPCC agrees. IPCC - SREX Report

“Climate change affects military readiness, strains base resilience, creates missions in new regions of the world and increases the likelihood that our armed forces will be deployed for humanitarian missions”

The climate is always changing. When hasn’t that been the case?

And yes we should work on adaptation strategies not MITIGATION. Contrary to alarmist belief we cannot control the climate.

“Last year was the fourth warmest on record. It was the 37th year in a row that global average temperatures were above the long-term average. All of the top 10 warmest years on record have been logged since 1998.”

True but you have conveniently(for you) left out the previous 4.5billion years of the planet’s existence some of which, we are told by scientists, were warmer in pre-power plant/SUV times. Young earther are you?

David: you ought to know better. Channeling Donna Summer: Who do you think you’re foolin’?

Now It's the Unsettled Science of Climate Change

Or can we settle on the conclusion that climate change is cyclical?

There are people (IPCC) who have been telling us for over 25 years that the world is warming in an unprecedented manner and that it is due to the human burning of fossil fuels which adds the heat trapping gas, carbon dioxide(CO2), to our atmosphere. We are told that if we do not stop doing this the planet will become an uninhabitable place except possibly for Antarctica.

Lately, however, Mother Nature appears to have changed course and there are another bunch of scientists suggesting that the world has entered a cooling phase due to low solar activity and the ‘flip’ of something called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO). The PDO has a warm phase and a cool phase. It has recently entered its cool phase with a change in the north Pacific Ocean circulation pattern.

We have scientists warning about heat stroke at the turn of the century while Mother Nature was freezing cattle in the fields this past winter. Phds are no longer being issued with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of infallibility.

Meanwhile, in a demonstration of how good our data about the climate has become we read of a study that tells us global precipitation is increasing, decreasing or not changing depending on which dataset you consult. Does this inspire confidence that our climatologists can give us an accurate picture of where our climate is going? That was a facetious and rhetorical question.

Temperature data are in more agreement as the five datasets used to keep tabs on the Global Mean Temperature(GMT) are reporting that Mother Nature has stopped raising the the GMT and all of them have a negative trend over at least the least 5 to ten years. The RSS satellite dataset reports no warming for 17+ years. The land based datasets(HADCRUT, NASA/GISS and NOAA/NCDC) have been criticised for poor station siting and biased results. In an attempt to rectify the poor siting a state of the art Climate Reference Network (USCRN) was set up and began recording in January 2005. With a little less than a decade of data the trend from this most modern and accurate network supports the declining trend in temperatures at least for the US. If all nations were to establish such a network we would have a lot more confidence in the reliability of our land based temperature data.

Solar scientists,because of the close correlation of the sun’s activity with Earth’s temperature, are forecasting a return to colder conditions as the current weak solar cycle 24 slides toward its minimum in 5 or 6 years. This seems to be showing up in our admittedly poor temperature data both in land based and the more accurate but shorter duration satellite datasets.  

Our climate is cyclical and has nothing to do with the content of the atmosphere. Blizzards don’t discriminate against low CO2 atmospheres. They have occurred in the past when CO2 was lower and they were white then too. Tornadoes in the US have been at record lows for the last two years so perhaps we can thank increased CO2 for their dearth in recent years. Tornadoes occurred in the past when CO2 was lower and destroyed people and property in their path then just as they do now. There are more of us and more of our stuff for them to hit now so it is good they are afraid of increased CO2.

From the settled science of global warming to the unsettling prospect of global cooling, climate change is a natural cycle. We did not boil away in the past with CO2 levels many times higher than those of today throughout most of the last 550 million years. No runaway global warming. The planet did become a freezer several times in the past when ice sheets a couple of miles thick descended upon a large part of the Northern Hemisphere. And we cycle out into warmer times.

Is the science now settled? We live in a naturally cyclical climate and CO2 has nothing to do with it.  As one twitter user suggested: CO2 makes ‘killer tomatoes’ not ‘killer tornadoes’.

We owe CO2 an apology.

When Hasn't the World's Weather Been Bizarre?

Someone once said that it is normal for the weather to be abnormal. The likes to document modern examples of this truism. But they think that in the modern age it means that something sinister is going on because of the human emissions of CO2.

Weather history would seem to relate that the only thing unusual in the modern era is the undue fear of the ‘crazy’ weather. When hasn’t it been bizarre? Name a year. It is the great failure of CO2 bigots that they cannot name a year when the weather was better than it is today. The newspaper archives will make a mockery of them and they know it.

Blizzards happened in low CO2 environments of the past and they were white then too. Tornadoes do not discriminate against low CO2 air and destroyed people and property in the past just as they do now. I don’t know how your mind works but mine concludes from this information that CO2 has nothing to do with blizzards or tornadoes or any other kind of extreme weather.

Extreme weather has been decreasing as CO2 has increased in the atmosphere. Should we thank CO2? Thank-you CO2.

When hasn’t the weather been nuts? That’s why we have quotes like these:

“It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.”  - Dave Barry

“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it’s right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young

The weather is variable, always changing, an inconvenient truth. This is why people say the weather is crazy. And as our communications have become real time we are instantly aware of common weather patterns the world over. This can make it appear that the weather has gone nuts. But our stats don’t support that gut reaction. In 2014, tornadoes and hurricanes are both having ‘quiet’ years relative to the norm. People are wondering not if Atlantic basin hurricanes will break a record high number but the record low number set in 1914.

And what is climate but the trend in weather occurrences over time. The climate changes continuously. This is not news. It is the normal state of affairs which has led someone to quip that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is when climatologists treat common weather as unusual.

Chill people. Be thankful for the lull in extreme weather that we currently enjoy. It may not last.

Yes, Joe We are Starting to Notice

Warmist Joe Romm: 'There has been a quantum change driven by extreme weather...I think people are starting to notice it.'

On the same blog page where that quote appears there were stories about the lack of tornadoes, forest fires and lower temperatures. We all learned how to count Joe. Did you miss that class?


And the 2014 hurricane season has been very quiet so far. Will it repeat the 2013 doldrums?

I don’t know how your mind works but when mine absorbs such information my skeptical radar bleeps wildly warning me about BS(Bad Science) on the screen.

Joe, clean your windows and have a look outside. Things are better than you think despite the massive human emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Do we owe CO2 an apology?                

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